
The World Potato Congress Inc. welcomes Cavendish Farms as a Silver Sustaining Partner
十月 31, 2024

The World Potato Congress Inc. welcomes Cavendish Farms as a Silver Sustaining Partner

The World Potato Congress Inc. continues to grow and develop partnerships with potato organizations from around the world and has added Cavendish Farms as part of this portfolio of partners.
1,000 delegates to attend World Potato Congress in Ireland.
五月 17, 2022

1,000 delegates to attend World Potato Congress in Ireland

Over 1,000 delegates and 60 guest speakers are set to attend the World Potato Congress (WPC) at the end of the month, which is being hosted in Ireland for the first time. The 11th WPC will take place from May 30 to June 2, in Dublin’s RDS.
WPC 2022: The Changing World of the Potato.
四月 25, 2022

World Potato Congress 2022: The Changing World of the Potato

The Congress Programme Committee, is delighted to announce that the Congress Programme is now available to view online.
World Potato Congress call for nominations for the industry awards-11th World Potato Congress May 30 to June 2, 2022
十一月 09, 2021

World Potato Congress call for nominations for the industry awards-11th World Potato Congress May 30 to June 2, 2022

The World Potato Congress Industry Award ceremony is an important and prestigious event on the international potato scene. The award recognizes a lifetime of contributions to the potato industry.
WPC 2022 Call for Abstracts.
十月 06, 2021

World Potato Congress 2022 (WPC2022) Call for Abstracts

The call for abstract submission for WPC 2022 is now open and authors are encouraged to submit their abstract online for consideration. Deadline for Oral Submissions: 30th November 2021. Deadline for Poster Submission: 15th February 2022.
Industry Awards Call for Nominations - 11th World Potato Congress, Dublin, Ireland, May 30 to June 2, 2022
七月 26, 2021

World Potato Congress calls for nominations for the Industry Award ceremony at their next conference in Dublin, Ireland

Romain Cools, President and CEO, World Potato Congress Inc., and Tamas Houlihan, Chairman, WPC Industry Awards Committee, are now requesting nominations for the 2022 World Potato Congress Industry Awards.
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World Potato and Europatat Congresses, Ireland, 2021 – Postponed until 2022
十月 01, 2020

World Potato and Europatat Congress, Ireland, 2021 – Postponed until 2022

World Potato Congress Inc., Europatat and the Irish Potato Federation have announced the postponement of the World Potato Congress (WPC) and the Europatat Congress planned for May/June in Dublin in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Only two years to go until the 11th World Potato Congress in Ireland
六月 03, 2019

Only two years to go until the 11th World Potato Congress in Ireland

Ireland and a World Potato Congress are completely synonymous. Because of history and tradition, Ireland’s relationship with the potato is unique. In the late sixteenth century, the potato made its way from Peru to Ireland.
Ireland selected to host World Potato Congress in 2021
三月 22, 2018

Ireland selected to host World Potato Congress in 2021

The Irish Potato Federation – with the support of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Bord Bia, Failte Ireland and Teagasc – has won its bid to host the World Potato Congress (WPC) in 2021 in Dublin.
El mercado mundial de procesamiento de papas alcanzará los 30 mil millones de dólares en 2022
八月 30, 2017

El mercado mundial de procesamiento de papas alcanzará los 30 mil millones de dólares en 2022

Se prevé que el mercado de procesamiento de papas crecerá a una tasa anual compuesta de crecimiento del 5,3% a partir de 2017, para alcanzar un valor proyectado de 30,85 millones de dólares estadounidenses para 2022.
Irish Meade Potato Company damaged by fire
六月 06, 2016

Meade Potato Company (Ireland) damaged by fire

A fire has caused significant damage at the Meade Potato Company in Lobinstown, Navan, Co. Meath in Ireland
Meade Potato Company invests €13m in new French Fry plant
五月 14, 2014

Meade Potato Company invests €13m in new French Fry plant in Ireland

The Meade Potato Company - based in Meath, Ireland - has announced plans to invest €13m in a frozen chip plant at its site in Lobinstown.
 Anuga FoodTecq 2012
三月 22, 2012

Odenberg shows sorters, peeling systems and more at Anuga Foodtec

Food sorting, peeling and process analytics system manufacturer ODENBERG will exhibit its industry leading systems at Cologne’s Anuga FoodTec 2012 this month.
十二月 07, 2007

Sainsbury launches Phureja, the 'healthiest' roasting potato

A potato described as the healthiest variety for roasting is launching in Sainsbury stores in the UK today.Called the Phureja, it has golden-coloured flesh and a slightly sweet taste.Sainsbury’s, which will sell the spud, said it is the healthiest pota...


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