
United Potato Growers of America
四月 24, 2013

United Potato Growers of America face lawsuit on price fixing

In a recently-filed lawsuit, Associated Wholesale Grocers claims that the United Potato Growers of America, United Potato state groups and many potato grower-shippers are illegally setting potato prices.
九月 20, 2012

Popcorn Consumer awarded $7.2 million in diacetyl flavouring lawsuit

A U.S. federal court jury on Wednesday awarded a Colorado man $7.2 million in damages for developing a chronic condition known as popcorn lung from a chemical used in flavouring microwave popcorn. Jurors agreed with the claims by Wayne Watson, 59, tha...
八月 19, 2012

Lawyers From Suits Against Big Tobacco Target Food Makers

More than a dozen lawyers who previously took on the tobacco companies have filed 25 cases against industry players like ConAgra Foods, PepsiCo, Heinz, General Mills and Chobani that stock pantry shelves and refrigerators across America. The suits, fi...
六月 19, 2012

McCain Foods to pay $40,000 for air quality violations

McCain Foods in Othello reached a settlement agreement this week with the Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) over violations of the plant’s air quality permit, vowing to avoid any similar violations in the future.
二月 06, 2012

Breeders Trust wins arbitration case illegal trade in undersized propagating material to Germany

Breeders Trust has been vindicated in an arbitration case against a Dutch seed potato grower who has been shown to have illegally sold undersized potatoes as propagation material to Germany. The case is of importance because this verdict is unique in t...
一月 22, 2012

Bayer CropScience Files Third Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against Dow AgroSciences

Bayer CropScience announced today that it has filed a patent infringement lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia against Dow AgroSciences (DAS) based upon DAS's unauthorized use of Bayer patents related to gluf...
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十二月 14, 2011

United Potato not protected from charges of illegal supply reduction

The Capper-Volstead Act does not protect United Potato Growers of America from charges it illegally reduced the supply of potatoes in order to raise prices.
十二月 04, 2011

Judge rules potato farmers aren't exempt from antitrust laws

Potato farmers are not exempt from antitrust laws that prohibit collusion, including "acreage reductions, production restrictions or collusive crop planning,"according to a federal judge. Chief U.S. District Judge Lynn Winmill in Idaho has r...
十月 06, 2011

Lawyer for jailed farmer says banks, companies will work on plan to save farm

A lawyer for a New Brunswick potato farmer jailed in Lebanon, Henk Tepper, has until the end of the month to present a plan to keep his client's farming businesses afloat and pay off creditors.
Breeders Trust commences legal proceedings against Belgian government
四月 08, 2011

Breeders Trust commences legal proceedings against Belgian government

Breeders Trust, an organisation looking after the interest of potato breeders, is taking the Belgian Federaal Agentschap voor de Veiligheid van de Voedselketen (FAVV;Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain) to court.
 Center for Science in the Public Interest
十二月 15, 2010

Class Action Lawsuit Targets McDonald's Use of Toys to Market to Children

A mother of two says that McDonald’s uses toys as bait to induce her kids to clamor to go to McDonald’s and to develop a preference for nutritionally poor Happy Meals. With the help of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, today the mom, Monet Parham, is filing a class action lawsuit aimed at stopping McDonald’s use of toys to market directly to young children.
十二月 15, 2010

Dehydrated Potato Flakes blamed for derailment

Union Pacific says the dehydrated potato flakes it was hauling caused a costly derailment at its biggest railyard because Idahoan Foods did not properly clean the wheels of its freight cars.
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十二月 02, 2010

Lawsuit alleges Mister Bee owes Utz money

Mister Bee Potato Chip Co. is the target of a lawsuit filed by Utz Quality Foods, claiming the company owes more than $600,000 for shipped goods.
 DCA Markt
十一月 12, 2010

Nieuwe dienst van DCA-Markt en IAR: de ContractCoach

In de Nederlandse land- en tuinbouw worden veel contracten tussen agrarische ondernemers met leveranciers of afnemers gesloten die niet waterdicht zijn.
十月 27, 2010

McDonald’s Obesity Case Can’t Proceed as Group Suit

McDonald’s Corp., the world’s largest restaurant chain, convinced a U.S. judge that consumers’ claims that its food contributed to childhood obesity were too distinct to be gathered in a single group lawsuit.
 Idaho Potato growers
六月 25, 2010

Class action lawsuit filed against United Potato Growers of America, Idaho Potato growers

An antitrust lawsuit contending Idaho potato growers and others conspired to raise potato prices in the United States by controlling supply has been filed in federal court
Ishida multihead weigher
五月 07, 2008

Ishida vs Chinese manufacturers in patent dispute

Last week we posted an article that multihead weigher manufacturer Ishida filed an injunction against 3 Chinese exhibitors at the Interpack. Ishida accuses them of infringing their patents.


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