
四月 12, 2012

Florida red potato volumes should rise

Florida potato grower-shippers reported strong demand in early April, but an early start to the northern Florida deal could yield sluggish red potato markets in May. The week of April 9, all production in the Sunshine State was coming from the souther...
四月 12, 2012

Eerste opperdoezen naar Enschede

Groothandelaar Willem Dijk AFG in Enschede heeft woensdag het eerste kistje geveilde Opperdoezer Ronde aardappelen gekocht.
四月 08, 2012

Spaans areaal vroege aardappelen stijgt met 7%

Het areaal van vroege aardappelen neemt volgens het Spaanse ministerie van landbouw met 7% toe tot 13.000 ha.
三月 23, 2012

Maltese potatoes make it to the Netherlands

The first imports of Maltese grown potatoes to the Netherlands have arrived in Tilburg at the Jansen Dongen BV, a Dutch company that specialises in the growing, packing and selling of potatoes.
Good demand for organic primeur potatoes in Belgium
三月 22, 2012

Good demand for organic primeur potatoes in Belgium

"The season of the Israeli organic primeur potatoes runs well"Bart Nemegheer of the Aardappelhoeve tells enthusiastically. "This is mainly because of the lovely spring weather. It is really so that when the sun shines people buy more pri...
三月 11, 2012

Eerste aardappelen in de grond in Duitsland

In Duitsland zijn de eerste vroege aardappelen geplant. In de Pfalz, traditioneel het vroegste teeltgebied van Noord West Europa waar de aardappelen de eerste periode onder plastic worden geteeld, was men al eind februari gestart met de aanplant . Mo...
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一月 26, 2012

Comber spuds get European protected status

Comber early potatoes have been granted protected geographical indication(PGI) status under European law.
Eerste aardappelen uit Malta.
三月 18, 2011

Eerste Malta-aardappelen gearriveerd bij aardappelgroothandel Altena

De eerste truck met echte voorjaarsoogst Malta-aardappelen is vanmorgen per truck bij Aardappelgroothandel Altena in Wijk en Aalburg gearriveerd.
三月 18, 2011

Florida: No potato shortage this season despite some frost damage in December

Florida potato growers didn’t escape damage from the surprise December freezes.
 Andalusian Early Potatoes at Fruit Logistica 2011
二月 21, 2011

Andalusia´s Early Potatoes on display at Fruit Logistica

Producers and exporters of Andalusia’s early potatoes, members of Asociafruit, participated again in Fruit Logistica 2011 to consolidate key export markets such as Germany, Holland, Belgium and UK.
五月 27, 2010

2nd Congress of Andalusian Early Potato held in October

The sector of Andalusian Early Potato, belonging to Asociafruit, will hold the second edition of their congress. These will take place in Seville on the seventh (7th) of October.
四月 21, 2010

Major supply problems for the early potato from Andalucia

The early potato from Andalusia comprising 75% of the Spanish crop, may have fallen 50% this year compared to the previous years, due to rain and bad weather this winter. These climate conditions, reduced the cultivation to 5,000 hectares approximately...
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四月 09, 2010

Less early potatoes in Spain

In Spain this year 10.1 percent less early potatoes were planted than last year. Spain need to import more potatoes. According to the Spanish ministry for rural business 12,872 HA of early potatoes are being grown in Spain. That is 10.1 percent less be...
三月 15, 2010

First Egyptian potatoes in Europe

This week Fresh-Produce bv in Waalwijk received the first Egyptian potatoes. According to Harold Loonen of Fresh-Produce the quality is very good.   "Supply is going to be big. I expect to import more Egyptian potatoes than in previous years. It...
三月 12, 2010

First Maltese potatoes arrive in Europe

This week the first Maltese potatoes arrived in Europe. The growing season in Malta this year has been exceptional. Because they were able to plant early, the harvest is three weeks earlier than last year. Above all the growers (cooperation) is very ha...
二月 09, 2010

Frost damages potato crops in Cyprus

Seventy per cent of potato crops suffered extensive damage in the Famagusta district, farmers complained yesterday. Akel deputy Yiannakis Gabriel told reporters the damage caused to crops due to the past three nights’ freezing temperatures had brought...
 Sormac MS-Combi peeler in use on Noirmoutier
六月 17, 2009

Sormac MS-Combi Peeler for Coopérative de Noirmoutier in France

Knife peeling gives a very attractive peeling result compared to roller peelers. The potatoes have a hand peeled appearance and, moreover, their smooth exterior keeps them in good, fresh condition for longer. However, for a good peeling result, prepeel...
'La Bonnotte' is een exclusieve met de hand geoogste aardappel
五月 04, 2009

La Bonnotte: de meest exclusieve aardappel ter wereld

Chefs over de hele wereld kijken elk jaar uit naar 'La Bonnotte', meest exclusieve aardappeltje ter wereld.


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