
4000 ton of Lebanese potatoes destined for export stuck in transport halfway
十一月 09, 2015

4000 ton of Lebanese potatoes destined for export stuck in transport halfway

128 containers with around 4.000 tonnes of potatoes from Lebanon destined for Arab Gulf states have been stopped in Port Said, Egypt or have already been returned to Lebanon.
Potato farmers protest import of potatoes from Lebanon (Courtesy: The Daily Star)
三月 26, 2015

North Lebanon potato farmers protest imports from Egypt

Farmers in the North Lebanon town of Hissa protested Thursday potato imports they said would devastate their sales, state media reported.
九月 11, 2013

European Union agrees to import potatoes from Lebanon

The European Union has granted Lebanon the right to export 50,000 tons of potatoes, reversing a decadelong export prohibition, the Lebanese Agriculture Ministry said Monday.
五月 15, 2012

Bad weather, expensive fertilizers wreak havoc on Lebanese potato farmers

Akkar potato farmers suffered a serious blow this season after losing one third of their crops due to bad weather conditions, the local farmers association said Monday.
三月 26, 2012

Lebanon can start exporting potatoes to Europe

Lebanon is to export potatoes to the European Union after a decades-old import ban was lifted, Agriculture Minister Hussein Hajj Hasan said Friday, but the Farmers Association doubts the step will bear any fruit.
十一月 16, 2011

Lebanese Agricultural Minister blasts merchants for exporting spoiled potatoes

Agriculture Minister Hussein Hajj Hasan (Lebanon) accused some merchants of exporting spoiled potatoes, warning he would not hesitate to reveal the names behind the shipment of such agricultural produce if they continue they behavioral pattern. Waving...
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十月 25, 2011

Potato farmers in Lebanon press for compensation over losses

Potato farmers in Lebanon said Monday they are unable to market their produce, calling on the government to compensate their losses. Farmers in Bekaa said around 40,000 tons of potato were littering the warehouses without being able to export it. Hea...
八月 18, 2011

Henk Tepper's lawyers hopeful of man's release

A Lebanese prosecutor now has the final piece of documentation needed to rule on whether Canadian potato farmer Henk Tepper will be released from his Beirut jail cell into a lawyer's custody. Tepper, 44, has been held in Lebanon since March 23, accuse...
七月 26, 2011

Potato farmers in Lebanon suffer another dismal season

Lebanese Potato farmers looking to recover losses made during an unseasonably dry harvest season last year have had their hopes dashed, as prices of the produce plummet to below total costs by roughly LL150 per kilogram. The year’s first potato harves...
 Henk Tepper
六月 07, 2011

Lebanon prosecutor mulls Canadian farmer case

Nearly seven weeks after his detention, a Lebanese prosecutor is now mulling over the case of a Canadian farmer alleged to have exported rotten potatoes to Algeria.
四月 06, 2011

New Brunswick Potato farmer arrested in Lebanon

A New Brunswick potato farmer has been detained in Lebanon. Grand Falls-area farmer Henk Tepper of Tobique Farms has been arrested upon entry to the country that sits on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea.
三月 21, 2011

Lebanon's potato farmers prepare for hard season

Potato planting season is in full swing in the Bekaa farmlands and Elie Samaha must rush off to his tractor where two women are seated on a low-hanging platform, waiting for the machine to grind into action so they can toss seeds into its path.
一月 13, 2011

Libanon exporteert 50.000 ton aardappelen naar de EU in 2011

Het ministerie van landbouw in Libanon zal dit jaar beginnen met de export van 50.000 ton aardappelen naar de EU.
十二月 11, 2008

La patata mas grande del mundo

Un agricultor del Líbano ha recogido en uno de sus campos la patata más grande del mundo. Un tubérculo de algo más de once kilos de peso. La enorme patata, con la que a buen seguro se podrá cocinar más de un plato, ha aparecido en un campo del Líbano...
十二月 08, 2008

Lebanese harvests potato of 11.3 kilo

A farmer in southern Lebanon has dug up what might be the heaviest potato in the world. "This giant weighs 11.3 kilos (24.9 pounds),"Khalil Semhat told the AFP news agency at his farm near Tyre, 85 kilometres (50 miles) south of Beirut. The ...


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