Tajikistan has harvested a record potato crop, but potato price stays high.
Tajikistan has achieved record potato production figures for the first 10 months of 2024 – 1 million 139 thousand 936 tons, which is 20.6% more than in the previous year.
七月 23, 2023
Farmers of Tajikistan expect to harvest 1.1 million tons of potatoes in 2023
According to the long-term plan, about 1.1 million tons of potatoes will be harvested in Tajikistan in 2023, Khovar reports with reference to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan.
十一月 19, 2021
Potato harvest in Tajikistan increased by more than 100 thousand tonnes in 2021
Around 740 thousand tonnes of potatoes were harvested by farmers in Tajikistan in the current season as of the end of the last work week, Eastfruit analysts report.
十一月 04, 2015
Tajikistan increases potato production
Farms in Tajikistan have produced some 475,000 tons of potatoes in the first 10 months of this year, nearly 72,000 tons more than in the same period last year.
六月 09, 2014
Russian company ready to supply elite and super elite potato seeds to Tajikistan
Tajikistan intends to increase potato production and Russia’s Closed Joint-Stock Company (CJSC) Kolnag is ready to provide local farming units with elite and super elite potato seeds
一月 28, 2010
CIP Developing heat and drought resistant potato varieties
Potato material from the International Potato Center (CIP) is helping farmers to enhance food and income security in Central and Southwest Asia in the face of climate change.
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一月 28, 2010
El CIP desarrolla variedades de papa resistentes al calor y a la sequía
Un proyecto de tres años del CIP está impulsando la producción de papa mediante variedades que han sido mejoradas y probadas para adaptarse mejor a la sequía e incremento de temperaturas que está afectando a diversos países del centro y suroeste de Asi...
十二月 17, 2008
Tajikistan: Potatoes are doing well
Tajikistan’s cotton harvest may have fallen well short of its target in 2008, but in at least one district in the Central Asian nation, potatoes are doing very well. Yet officials at the Ministry of Agricultural in Dushanbe insist they will keep growi...