SiccaDania FPF vacuum filters

SiccaDania FPF vacuum filters

  • 产品
  • SiccaDania FPF vacuum filters
  • 产品
  • SiccaDania FPF vacuum filters

SiccaDania FPF vacuum filters

Vacuum filters are conceptualised specifically for the dewatering of starches. The FPF filter meets the latest requirements in terms of energy consumption and uptime. The design is about robustness, ease of operation and durability.

The FPF type vacuum filter is adopted in the starch industry for the dewatering of a wide range of starch slurries ranging from potato to pea. The humidity of the starch cake coming from the filter is crucial for the subsequent drying process.

Requiring a long as possible uptime in between the periodical cake drops, the filter is fitted with a continuous in-process screen cleaning system.The combination of this device with an additional high-pressure drum cleaning spray bar ensures minimal downtime for cake drop.

Sedimentation of starch in the slurry pan is prevented by an effective oscillating rake agitator. Filter sizes available from 1m2 to 80m2 effective drum surface.

Fields of application

  • Potato starch
  • Wheat starch
  • Tapioca/Cassava starch
  • Sago starch
  • Pea starch
  • Bean starches


SiccaDania FPF vacuum filters Data Sheet