Kanchan Metals - Fines Removal Tumbler

Kanchan Metals - Fines Removal Tumbler

Kanchan Metals - Fines Removal Tumbler

Kanchan Metals provides a Fines Removal Tumbler designed to separate fines, dust, and small particles from larger products, ensuring a cleaner final product. This equipment is particularly useful in the food processing industry, especially for snack foods, to enhance product quality and maintain hygiene standards.

The Fines Removal Tumbler or Schaff Tumbler is meant to remove the fines or very small bits and pieces travelling along with raw product/collets for improved frying results. Removal of these fines also helps to keep the oil quantity intact and fresh.


  • Snack Food Industry: Ideal for use in the production of chips, extruded snacks, nuts, and other snack items. 
  • Food Processing Plants: Suitable for various food products that require fines removal. 
  • Agricultural Products: Can be used to clean seeds, grains, and other agricultural products.