
Atlas Agro

Atlas Agro specializes in sustainable nitrate-based fertilizers that improve potato growing. These fertilizers, which are known for being an excellent nitrogen source, blend effortlessly into potato fertility programs, supporting increased biomass, enhanced specific gravities, higher yields, and larger tubers when compared to urea and ammonia-based alternatives.

BlackPace Africa Group

The BlackPace Africa Group is an investment, management and advisory firm with significant activities in the potato supply chain and potato processing in Africa

ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich is one of the leading international universities for technology and the natural sciences. It is well-known for its excellent education, ground-breaking fundamental research and for implementing its results directly into practice.

Mori AG

Mori AG is involved in selling and trading machines and aids. The company's many years of experience are evident in the cultivation and processing of tubers and vegetables. Their team is available to provide you with advice and support and ensure that your machines run smoothly.

SAI Platform

The Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform (SAI Platform) is a not-for-profit organisation, created in 2002 by the food industry.

Syngenta Crop Protection

Syngenta is a global agribusiness company headquarted in Basel, Switzerland.
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Syngenta Group

Syngenta Group is one of the world's leading agricultural technology and innovation companies, with roots going back more than 250 years.

Syngenta Seeds

Syngenta is a developer and producer of seeds.


Terralog's core competence lies in the cultivation, storage, packaging and trading of high-quality food and industrial potatoes for their customers in Switzerland.

Terraviva Ag/Sa

Terraviva ag/sa is an organic producer organization of over 80 active organic fruit and vegetable producers throughout Switzerland. Founded in 1946 as AVG, they are specialists in the cultivation, procurement, storage
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