
ABG Paulas Ltd.

ABG Paulas Ltd. is representative of some of the best Agricultural Equipment Manufacturers in Europe such as Grimme, Pottenger, and Labinprogres.

Agravis Raiffeisen AG

Agravis Raiffeisen AG is a modern agricultural trade and service company, they support their cooperative sales partners, farmers and people in rural areas with high-quality products, extensive know-how, expert advice


Agrirouter is a company that develops data management concepts for the agricultural industry and agricultural technology.

Albert Elligsen GmbH

Albert Elligsen GmbH is the name of a family business, founded back in 1931. Since then, the company has spread its wings in the agricultural trade and fuel industry. It specializes in good-quality potatoes and onions as well as excellent fuels-a very reliable supplier for Peine and the surrounding localities.


ALL in ONE is growing wheat, carrots, onions and potatoes in a healthy crop rotation. They are also supplier of seed potatoes and manufacturer of various potato farming equipments.

Alzchem Group

Alzchem, an international chemical company, has positioned itself in the world of specialty chemistry with both well established and new products for global markets.
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Amazone is a manufacturer of agricultural machinery based in Germany

Amynova Polymers GmbH

Amynova Polymers GmbH researches and produces amylofol, an innovative, starch-based biopolymer. Due to its special character, amylofol has a high potential for increasing efficiency in the areas of crop protection

An-Ja Lüneburger Heide Kartoffeln

An-Ja Lüneburger Heide Kartoffeln offers table potatoes through their website.

Aplura Gmbh

Aplura GmbH is a potato and yellow corn provider that serves industries such as chips, French fries, tortilla manufacture, and ware-packed potatoes.


BASF is the world's leading chemical company. Specific for the potato industry BASF is a provider of herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. BASF is developing GM potato varieties, e.g. for the potato starch industry. BASF is also a manufacturer of various food ingredients. 

Bavaria-Saat GbR

Bavaria-Saat includes two independent divisions, which deal with the breeding of potato varieties (Bavaria-Saat GbR) as well as with the international distribution of plant and table potatoes (Bavaria-Saat Vertriebs GmbH).
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Bayer CropScience AG

Bayer CropScience is with annual sales of about EUR 5.8 billion one of the world's leading innovative cropscience companies in the area of crop protection (Crop Protection), non agricultural pest-control (Environmental Science), seeds and plant biotechnology (BioScience).

Bayerischer BauernVerband

It's a public Body representing the professions of Bavarian Agriculture and Forestry. In 1947/48 a separate rural women's group was founded in the BBV in order to be able to effectively represent the interests of rural women.

Benu Development GmbH

Benu development is a supplier of potatoes. Currently they can provide (Lady Rosetta, Hermes, Santana, Spunta) starting February.

Beregnung Fasterholt GmbH

Beregnung Fasterholt GmbH was founded in 2019. Since then, the sales of Fasterholt machines and spare parts and accessories for Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Romania and Hungary have been coordinated from the Lüneburg Heath.

Bio Kartoffel Nord GmbH & Co. KG

Bio Kartoffel Nord GmbH & Co. KG is a German firm with over two decades of experience in certified organic farming. They specialize in the cultivation, processing, and marketing of organic potatoes and related goods.

Biocare GmbH

Biocare, a family-owned company, is specialized in large-scale trichogramma and sitotroga production. Biocare introduced the granulate Attracap®, a biological insecticide against wireworms in potatoes.


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