
ABG Paulas Ltd.

ABG Paulas Ltd. is representative of some of the best Agricultural Equipment Manufacturers in Europe such as Grimme, Pottenger, and Labinprogres.

Bayerischer BauernVerband

It's a public Body representing the professions of Bavarian Agriculture and Forestry. In 1947/48 a separate rural women's group was founded in the BBV in order to be able to effectively represent the interests of rural women.

Bundesverband der Obst-, Gemuese, und Kartoffelverarbeitenden Industrie (BOGK)

The Bundesverband der obst-, gemuese, und kartoffelverarbeitenden Industrie (BOGK) is the German association for processors of fruit, vegetables and potatoes

Bundesverband der Stärkekartoffelerzeuger e.V. (BVS)

Bundesverbandes der Stärkekartoffelerzeuger e.V. (BVS) is the producers' association for starch potatoes in Germany

Deutscher Kartoffelhandelsverband e. V. (DKHV)

Deutscher Kartoffelhandelsverband e. V. (DKHV) is an association of the German potato traders


DLG eV (German Agricultural Society) is an international non-profit organisation for the agricultural industry in Germany.
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Euro Fed Lipid

The European Federation for the Science and Technology of Lipids (Euro Fed Lipid) is a federation of 13 scientific associations concerned with Lipids, Fats and Oils.

Ingredients Network

Ingredients Network is the leading product and supplier search engine in the global food ingredients industry.

South German Sugar Beet Utilization Cooperative (SZVG)

The South German Sugar Beet Utilization Cooperative (SZVG) was founded on September 19, 1950. The SZVG is an association of sugarbeet growers and suppliers of sugarbeet.

UNIKA (Union der Deutschen Kartoffelwirtschaft)

UNIKA (Union der Deutschen Kartoffelwirtschaft) is the industry association representing the interests of the potato industry in Germany
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