
Agrometius is een technisch handelsbedrijf en dienstverlenende organisatie die zich volledig heeft gespecialiseerd in GPS-techniek en precisielandbouw.


Croptic provides a solution for farmers to convert their traditional field sprayers into efficient spot sprayers by employing weed maps created by drones and AI technologies. This method reduces herbicide use by 70-95%, decreasing the environmental impact and crop damage caused by less selective herbicides.

PolySense BV

Polysense uses the potential of digital transformation to help manufacturing organizations transition to more efficient, environmentally responsible operations. Polysense enables manufacturers to optimize production processes and achieve operational excellence by providing bespoke sensor configurations, powerful AI technologies, and a user-focused approach.

VITO Remote Sensing

VITO Remote Sensing is a Belgian research institute specialized in image processing and earth observation services. They built and maintain WatchITGrow
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