
Galle NV

Galle is an auctioneer and appraiser located in Belgium

Ghent University

Ghent University (Universiteit Gent, UGent) is one of the major Belgian universities in the Dutch-speaking region of Europe.

Interprovinciaal Proefcentrum voor de Aardappelteelt vzw (PCA)

Het Interprovinciaal Proefcentrum voor de Aardappelteelt vzw (PCA) is een vereniging zonder winstoogmerk voor onafhankelijk praktijkonderzoek en voorlichting in de aardappelteelt.

Kortrijk Xpo

Kortrijk Xpo is the organizer and location of the Interpom | Primeurs trade show every two years

Scana Noliko NV

Scana Noliko produces a range of fruits and vegetables, including potatoes in various shapes packed in glass jars or canned.


TRIAS is a Belgian non-profit organisation (NGO). Focused on supporting enterprising people in developing countries, the organisation has taken on a number of potato related development projects.
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Verbist Aardappelen

Verbist Aardappelen is a manufacturer of peeled potato products in Belgium


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