
Antonio Ruggiero S.p.A

Antonio Ruggiero S.p.A. is a potato packer in Italy

Bellipario S.r.l.

Farm Bellipario S.r.l. operates in exporting of potatoes and vegetables from Polignano a Mare, Puglia, Italy.

Patata di Bologna PDO

The Patata di Bologna PDO has all the typical qualities of a unique product. Its typicality derives from natural, historical, and cultural factors: soil and microclimate, the production capacity of agricultural farms, Bologna.

SOP - Società Ortofrutticola Polignanese

The company SOP has its operational headquarter in Polignano a Mare (BA) and deals with the processing and marketing of fruits and vegetables.

Zanarini Srl

Zanarini Srl is an independent family business. Zanarini does commerce and distribution of agricultural raw materials. Potatoes are one of their core products.
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