

International Food and Consumable Goods - Egypt (IFCG)

International Food & Consumable Goods (IFCG), a proud member of the IFS Group, operates in Egypt's CPC Industrial Zone. Renowned for its modern sweet potato factory, IFCG excels in producing top-quality sweet potato varieties, earning its reputation as a leading export company in the region and globally.

Advanced Potato Propagation Pty Ltd (APP)

Advanced Potato Propagation (APP) provides disease-free, high-quality micro tubers to seed growers, grown in world-class greenhouses. APP manufactures tiny tubers twice a year on request and harvests them in July and again in January, accommodating both PBR varieties and open or free types, such as BP1, Van Der Plank, Hertha, etc.

Agrico East Africa Ltd.

Agrico East Africa is a subsidiary of Agrico in Kenya. The company multiplies and distributes Agrico's potato varieties locally.

Agrico Potato Services Africa Ltd

Agrico PSA is a supplier of high-quality seed potatoes, also provides knowledge transfer and practical training. They work together with farmers and their partners to scale up a sustainable potato value chain in Kenya.

AGT Laboratories

AGT Laboratories is a private company in Uganda offering tissue culture techniques for micro propagation of different crops - including potato.

Al 3 Boerdery

AL 3 is a farming company that is focused on the production of table potatoes, seed potatoes, onions, butternut squash, Dragon Fruit & beef.

Buya Bamba Limited

Buya Bamba is a leading potato grower in Zambia. The company is the leading distributor of table and processing potatoes in Zambia.
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Daltex Corporation

Daltex has leveraged its deeply-rooted heritage, multi-regional footprint, and technical capabilities to bring premium quality Egyptian fresh produce to the homes of tens of thousands of families – both locally and overseas.

Dieleman Potatoes

Dieleman Potatoes empowers farmers with premium-certified seed potatoes, ensuring higher yields, sustainable agricultural practices, and prosperity for agricultural communities.

Domiatec Holding

Established in 1973, Domiatec has been at the forefront of the agricultural field and has supplied seed potatoes in Egypt for over 40 years. The company also provides specialized, high-end storage services to key customers and manufacturers.

First Potato Dynamics (FPD)

The FPD Group specialises in the development and commercialisation of potato varieties. Established in 1996, they have been producing and selling high quality potato seed for over 20 years.

FPD Seed & Development Pty Ltd

FPD Seed & Development (Pty) Ltd has been supplying potato seed to commercial growers for over 20 years. The company supply both regulated types from Agrico in Holland and open varieties like UTD, Hertha, BP1, and so on.

FreshCrop Limited

FreshCrop Limited is a seed potato supplier in Kenya with operations in Nakuru, Nyandarua and Narok.
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International Food and Consumable Goods - Egypt (IFCG)

International Food & Consumable Goods (IFCG), a proud member of the IFS Group, operates in Egypt's CPC Industrial Zone. Renowned for its modern sweet potato factory, IFCG excels in producing top-quality sweet potato varieties, earning its reputation as a leading export company in the region and globally.

Kevian Kenya Limited

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Kisima Farm Ltd.

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Tobacco Research Board (TRB) | Kutsaga Research Station

The Tobacco Research Board (TRB) was established in 1950 under the Tobacco Research Act (Chapter 28:21). The TRB is also responsible for the multiplication of seed potatoes in Zimbabwe.


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