
Al-Jouf Agricultural Development Company

The Al-Jouf Agricultural Development Company is a publicly listed company in Saudi Arabian focused on the production and marketing of agricultural and food products, using state of the art methods

ASTRA Food Processing Plant Company

ASTRA Food Processing Plant Co. (AFPPCo.) was established in 1997 in Saudi Arabia to fully exploit the surplus of agricultural materials from ASTRA Farms and other farms in the region.


Founded in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 1988, Astrachem is the market leader of the agricultural sector of the Kingdom and the pesticide and agricultural fertilizer industry. The company supports agricultural productivity all through the Middle East, North Africa, Turkey, and Central Asia through agrochemical products, fertilizers, public health and veterinary pesticides, seeds including seed potatoes from Agrico.


Chipster is a potato chip manufacturer from Saudi Arabia.

Dalmaza Food Industries Co. (Dafico)

Dalmaza Food Industries company (Dafico) - part of the ALRAJHI Holding Group - is a manufacturer and exporter of savory snacks based in Saudi Arabia.

Fesh Fash Food

Fesh Fash snack food production company is a manufacturer of snack foods in Riyadh city, Saudi Arabia, where the company has started its business in 1982. Its mission was to set up a strong base for the production of snack foods in Saudi Arabia.
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LEHA Agriculture

LEHA Agriculture is a supplier of seed potatoes, table potatoes and potatoes for processing in Saudi Arabia.

MODON (Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones)

The Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones, also known as MODON, is a government entity founded in 2001. Its principal mission is to regulate and promote industrial estates and technology zones in Saudi Arabia. MODON strives to increase private sector involvement in the development, operation, and maintenance of these industrial regions, thereby contributing to the Kingdom's competitive industrial environment.

NADEC (The National Agricultural Development Company)

NADEC is the largest company specialized in the production of processing potatoes in the Saudi Kingdom. NADEC production of  potatoes in its four agricultural projects is approximately 100,000 tons.

Nasma Food Co. LTD

Nasma Foods is one of the leading snack food manufacturers in Saudi Arabia. The company produces mainly potato chips, potato pellets, as well as other products.


Pepsico Saudi Snacks Food Limited

Pepsico Plant Saudi Snacks Food Limited is a manufacturer of snacks such as Lay’s, Cheetos, Doritos and Quaker Oats and beverages
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Sunaidi Expo and Conferences

Sunaidi Expo and Conferences is a part of Sunaidi Expo that specialises in organising & managing conferences, festivals, national events and product launches.

Wafrah for Industry and Development

Wafrah for Industry and Development is a Saudi Arabia based company manufacturing a range of food products, including frozen french fries.

Wholly Hearty

Wholly Hearty is potatoes chips factory, based in Dammam, Saudi.


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