Potato Variety Information

Variety Name: SanibelRights Holder | Breeder: Year of of introduction:

Variety Description

Sanibel is a very early, red skinned, mainly firm cooking ware potato.
  • light yellow flesh colour
  • early high marketable yield
  • smooth skin with shallow eyes
  • very tasteful

Variety Characteristics
  • Maturity: very early
  • Cooking type: B
  • Consumption quality: mainly firm cooking; very low discolouration after cooking
  • Yield: high; early large size tuber yield
  • Youth development: rapid
  • Dormancy: germinating variety

Tuber Characteristics
  • Tuber shape: oval
  • Eye depth: shallow
  • Flesh colour: light yellow
  • Skin colour: red
  • Skin: smooth
  • Number of tubers: medium

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