Performer is a PCN Globodera Pallida resistant and tolerant processing variety1. It has a yellow skin and a pale yellow flesh colour, and due to its superb uniformity of shape with big, oval long tubers, it is ideally suited for processing. With a floury texture, Performer also eats well as a baker.
Tuber Characteristics
- Shape of tuber: Oval - long
- Colour of skin: Russet
- Colour of flesh: Light yellow
- Depth of eyes: Very shallow - shallow
- Smoothness of skin: Rough
- Late Blight: Good resistance, making it suitable for regions where late blight is a concern.
- Common Scab: Moderate resistance, which helps in maintaining skin quality and reducing blemishes.
- Virus Resistance: Often shows moderate resistance to certain potato viruses, including PVY (Potato Virus Y).
- Dry Rot and Fusarium Wilt: Performer has some tolerance to these fungal infections, which can help reduce losses in storage and harvest.