The Palisade Russet is a medium-late maturing potato cultivar, released in 2011 by the USDA-ARS and the Agricultural Experiment Stations of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, as part of the Pacific Northwest Potato Variety (Tri-State) Development Program.
Tuber Characteristics
- Shape: Long to oblong, slightly flattened
- Skin: Brown, russeted
- Flesh: White
- Eye Depth: Shallow
- Size: Large, uniform size with fewer external defects
- Specific Gravity: Moderate to high, making it suitable for processing
Disease & Pest Resistance
- Late Blight: Resistant (both foliage and tuber)
- Verticillium Wilt: Moderately resistant
- Black Dot: Moderately resistant
- Pink Rot: Moderately resistant
- Tuber Net Necrosis: Moderately resistant
- Potato Virus Y (PVY): Moderately resistant
- Early Blight: Moderately resistant
- Common Scab: Susceptible
- PVX, PVY, and PLRV: Susceptible
Yield & Agronomic Performance
- Yield: High, producing more marketable tubers per hectare than standard varieties like Russet Burbank
- Maturity: Medium-late
- Tuber Set: Moderate, with a good size profile
- Storage: Stores well with minimal sugar accumulation, maintaining fry quality