Mozart has very uniform, oval-shaped tubers with yellow eyes and an attractive sunrise red skin. Mozart has yellow flesh, a long dormancy and stores well. Allow enough time between top kill and harvest to promote a good skin set. Medium-late maturity, Mozart sizes up well and is suitable for the organic market.
Resistant to PCN and Immune to Wart disease. A late blight programme should be in place whether the crop is being grown conventionally or organically. Good resistance to common scab.
No darkening following cooking, medium-high specific gravity. Mozart is noted for having excellent cooking quality and exceptional flavour. Mozart is a potato you must try!
- Uniform tuber size and shape
- Good bruising tolerance
- Good cooking quality
- Good common and powdery scab resistance
- Good storability
Plant and tuber
- Maturity: Medium late
- Tuber shape: Oval
- Flesh Colour: Yellow
- Tuber size: Large
- Skin colour: Red