The Kitamurasaki potato variety is a purple-skinned, purple-fleshed cultivar rich in anthocyanin pigments, which gives it its distinctive color. It is the parent of the "Northern Ruby" and "Shadow Queen" varieties. Due to its high anthocyanin content, it is known for its vibrant color, which makes it visually appealing.
However, Kitamurasaki is relatively difficult to boil down, meaning it doesn't soften as easily during cooking compared to other potato varieties, making it more suitable for applications where its texture and color can be preserved, such as roasting or baking.
The Kitamurasaki potato variety is oval to round in shape, with medium-sized tubers that have a firm, waxy texture, making them less suitable for boiling but ideal for roasting, baking, or frying. Known for its nutty and earthy flavor, it pairs well with roasted or grilled dishes.
Rich in anthocyanin pigments, it offers antioxidant properties and retains its vibrant color, adding visual appeal to gourmet dishes. The variety has good disease resistance and stores well, maintaining its texture and color over time, making it a unique choice for both culinary and health-conscious uses.

Potato Variety Information
Variety Name: KitamurasakiRights Holder | Breeder: Hokkaido Agricultural Research CenterCountry of Origin:
日本Year of of introduction: 2004Parentage: NORTHERN RUBYxSHADOW QUEEN

Variety Description
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