XXIII ALAP`08 Congress (VI Latinamerican seminar on potato use and commercialization)

XXIII ALAP`08 Congress (VI Latinamerican seminar on potato use and commercialization)
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  • XXIII ALAP`08 Congress (VI Latinamerican seminar on potato use and commercialization)
The XXIII ALAP`08 Congress frames within the events that will be carried out during 2008, International Potato Year, like that declared by the United Nations. The International potato Year main objective is to highlight the potato importance as cultivar and food product, doing emphasis on his biological and nutritional attributes, and promoting in this way his production, elaboration, consumption and commercialization. (www.potato2008.org)
The congress will have simultaneous translation on Oral communications and magistral conferences (Spanish/English)

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