Green mint oil as a natural alternative for the post-harvesting storage of potatoes

Aceite de menta verde como alternativa natural para el almacenamiento de patatas

Green mint oil as a natural alternative for the post-harvesting storage of potatoes.

七月 19, 2019

The Italian potato season has had a problematic start due to the lack of some post-harvest treatments.

Andrea Bosi, Cedax country manager:

“From what I have read, I believe we should be clearer when it comes to a few things. It's not true that there are no alternatives to Chlorpropham and that the sector will find it difficult to store potatoes in refrigerated units.”

“Chlorpropham has always been used abroad and, as a natural product, green mint oil is widely used on a European level, the only organic anti-sprouting product that can supply the maximum guarantees to final consumers.”

“Chlorpropham has always been used abroad and, as a natural product, green mint oil is widely used on a European level, the only organic anti-sprouting product that can supply the maximum guarantees to final consumers.”

“Therefore if, due to interests I'm not aware of, people want to find alternatives as the season is about to start, it means they are looking for problems rather than solving them.”

“Green mint oils holds the maximum importance on a European level, especially now that Chlorpropham can no longer be used.”

“I believe that the value of a molecule, in addition to its effectiveness, lies in the guarantees it can provide to our clients as well as to final consumers, who must know what is used to treat such an important foodstuff as potatoes.”

“Xeda International, majority shareholder of Cedax S.r.l., has always invested considerable sums for this purpose and, with Biox-M, it can provide a product that is 100% natural, with no residue limits and organic. Both the molecule and the technology with which is applied is protected by an international patent.”

“We can now guarantee storage between July and May with between 2 and 4 applications. In the past, treatments used to be carried out every month, so now the cost is much lower.”

“What has been happening over the past ten years on an international level when it comes to potato storage is seen as abnormal in Italy, leading to misinformation and making things complicated on all levels.”
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