Cuanza Sul - Condé region in Angola to Increase Potato Production

Agricultural production (potato) in Angola's coastal Cuanza Sul province

Agricultural production in Angola's coastal Cuanza Sul province.

八月 24, 2016
The administrative authorities of the Condé municipality, in the coastal Cuanza Sul province are investing in the empowerment of the individual and associated farmers so as to increase the potato production in the region.

The administration is working to acquire potato seeds in order to empower the farmers in the production of this crop, said to the press on Wednesday, the communal administrator, José Augusto.

With this programme, he said, the municipality aims to exceed about 80 tons of potatoes produced spontaneously by the farmers and turn the region into one of the largest producing community.

José Augusto:

"It will be a great incentive to reduce hunger and fight against poverty in the community."
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