
Wysocki Family of Companies

Agrico, Leo de Kock and Nedato join forces for ware potatoes.


Wysocki Family of Companies, as they exist today, has come a long way through the years. The history that surrounds them is rich and deep, much like the soil that supports the potatoes and other crops integral to the companies' success.

Wysocki Family of Companies consists of RPE, Inc.; Paragon Potato Farms; Wysocki Produce Farm; and is a co-owner of Tasteful Selections and Central Sands Dairy. RPE is a second-generation family farm and a category leader and key grower/shipper of year-round potatoes and onions.

Wysocki Produce Farm grows more than 12,000 acres of fresh Wisconsin-grown potatoes, along with other rotational crops. Started in the late 1950s, Wysocki Produce Farm is still family-owned and run by people who know the land best—the farmers.
Subsidiaries and Factory Location