
University of Idaho, Kimberly Research & Extension


The mission of the University of Idaho Extension is to improve the lives of Idahoans by providing research-based education and information that help their citizens solve problems. The University of Idaho Extension is involved in a range of activities related to the potato crop.

University of Idaho, Kimberly Research & Extension

University of Idaho, Kimberly Research & Extension

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Northwest Potato Research Consortium has awarded grants for 37 regional potato projects
五月 11, 2017

Northwest Potato Research Consortium has awarded grants for 37 regional potato projects

The Northwest Potato Research Consortium recently approved a combined $1.5 million in grant funding to 37 research projects.
University of Idaho is investing in its nuclear potato seed program
二月 24, 2017

University of Idaho expands its nuclear potato seed program

University of Idaho has hired a new director for its nuclear seed potato program and plans to build additional facilities to help her expand production.
McDonald's accepts additional potato varieties for its fries
十一月 29, 2016

McDonald's accepts two new potato varieties for its fries: Blazer Russet and Clearwater Russet

In September, McDonald's approved two relatively new potato varieties for the production of their french Fries. They only allow seven varieties now, four of which were developed by the Tri-State Program
Cómo preservar la calidad poscosecha de la papa
十月 19, 2016

Cómo preservar la calidad poscosecha de la papa

Phillip Nolte, extensionista de la Universidad de Idaho, especializado en semilla de papa, explica la forma de influir en el estado de los cultivos al salir de las bodegas.