

Agrico, Leo de Kock and Nedato join forces for ware potatoes.


Teagasc – the Agriculture and Food Development Authority – is the national body providing integrated research, advisory and training services to the agriculture and food industry and rural communities in Ireland.

The organisation is funded by State Grant-in-Aid; the National Development Plan; fees for research, advisory and training services; income from national and EU competitive research programmes; and revenue from farming activities and commodity levies.

Subsidiaries and Factory Location
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Ireland selected to host World Potato Congress in 2021
三月 22, 2018

Ireland selected to host World Potato Congress in 2021

The Irish Potato Federation – with the support of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Bord Bia, Failte Ireland and Teagasc – has won its bid to host the World Potato Congress (WPC) in 2021 in Dublin.
Maris Piper (Courtesy: Potato Council Variety Database / SASA)
六月 10, 2015

The Quest to Engineer the Perfect Potato

Researchers in the United Kingdom aim for a new commercial potato that resists many of the worst vulnerabilities of potato crops around the world.
Reino Unido: Investigadores utilizan un proceso natural de las bacterias para transferir ADN a las papas y hacerlas megarresistentes
六月 08, 2015

Reino Unido: Investigadores utilizan un proceso natural de las bacterias para transferir ADN a las papas y hacerlas megarresistentes

Esta papa (o patata) es el objetivo de un proyecto lanzado oficialmente esta semana por Jonathan Jones, uno de los más reconocidos expertos del mundo en la genética de enfermedades vegetales.
六月 11, 2013

Teagasc GM potato study to begin second phase

Irish Research Institute Teagasc hopes to begin planting out more than 5,000 potato plants in the next two weeks, in the second phase of its study into the environmental impact of blight-resistant genetically modified (GM) potatoes.