
Marcelissen BV

Marcelissen BV is a manufacturer of equipment for processing of potatoes. Equipment includes hoppers, box tippers, abrasive and knife peelers and Slitmaster cutters to cut french fries or slices
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 Marcelissen optical sorter
十一月 12, 2012

Equipment manufacturer Marcelissen promises several innovations at the Interpom | Primeurs 2012

The trade fair INTERPOM | PRIMEURS is the most complete contact and information forum for the potato, fruit & vegetable sector, from growers to processors. The event’s strong focus on quality and professionalism biennially mobilizes the whole sector.
十月 31, 2011

Marcelissen introduces new roller peeler

Marcelissen, a machine manufacturer for the fresh market in Europe and specialized in potatoes (and carrots) has built a new drum roller peeler. This new roller peeler (first on the market) has a capacity that is 40% higher than the roller peeler as t...
Marcelissen introduceert revolutionaire schilmachine
十月 23, 2011

Marcelissen introduceert revolutionaire schilmachine

Het is al weer decennia geleden, sinds er echt grote ontwikkelingen waren in het schrapproces bij de verwerking van aardappelen, wortelen, groenten en fruit. Marcelissen verandert dat nu.
一月 21, 2011

Marcelissen installeert verwerkingslijn voor Verbist aardappelen