
Holland Innovative Potato




Holland Innovative Potato (HIP) is a Dutch organisation of potato companies established to facilitate and coordinate joint pre-competitive research activities.

Participants include the six major potato processors operating in the Netherlands:

four companies active in potato breeding:

and two associations representing the sector:

Research is focused on improvement of the quality, yield and efficiency in the cultivation, logistics and processing of potatoes.

The objective is to create practical solutions for products and processes that can be implemented by 2027 in order to strengthen the position of the potato as a global food crop and to enable the potato supply chain to meet consumer demands.

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Martin Kropff is the former Managing Director for Resilient Agri-food Systems at CGIAR, an international agricultural research organization. He is also an emeritus Rector Magnificus at Wageningen University.
十二月 12, 2024

A brighter future begins with a resilience revolution

In a world where almost half of potential crop production is lost due to diseases, pests, and extreme weather, addressing the challenges of food security and sustainable agriculture has never been more urgent.
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) studies wild potatoes for new pest-free potato varieties
五月 14, 2020

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) studies wild potatoes for new pest-free potato varieties

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is to study wild potato varieties for resistance to a wide range of potato-diseases and plagues. This broad approach should yield breeding material that can be used to develop disease-free potato varieties.
Dutch Potato Industry establishes Holland Innovative Potato (HIP) for major investment in research
九月 26, 2017

Dutch Potato Industry establishes Holland Innovative Potato (HIP) for major investment in research

Ten Dutch potato (processing) companies and two associations have established Holland Innovative Potato (HIP) to facilitate and coordinate joint pre-competitive research activities. A budget of € 4.5 million is available for the first research program of HIP.

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Holland Innovative Potato

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