
Heartland Potato Chips



Heartland Potato Chips are made from potatoes grown by a New Zealand farmer, in a New Zealand paddock and processed in a New Zealand-owned factory. 

Product Types offered by this company


Heartland Potato Chips (NZ) expands range with Premium Crafted Crisps
二月 28, 2017

Heartland Potato Chips (NZ) expands product range with Premium Crafted Crisps

New Zealand potato chip manufacturer Heartland Potato Chips just launched a range of premium crafted kettle chips in four flavours.
Heartland Potato Chips - Bowan family
八月 23, 2015

Heartland potato chips a family affair

Raymond Bowan's passion for potatoes and chips has seen Heartland Potato Chips take on the big boys at their own game. The company has just launched a new product range - flat cut chips, and has in New Zealand an 8 per cent market share.
Heartland Potato Chips benefits from potato shortage New Zealand.
一月 25, 2015

Heartland Potato Chips benefits from potato shortage New Zealand.

Timaru's Heartland Potato Chips is benefiting from the nationwide potato shortage in New Zealand.
New Zealand Potato Production 2014
九月 14, 2014

New Zealand Potato Production 2014

New Zealand Potato production in 2013, at 525,000 metric tons, was marginally (5%) ahead of 2012 production. t is likely planted areas in 2014 will be similar to 2013, with production in the range of 500,000 to 550,000MT.

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Heartland Potato Chips

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