
De Aardappelhoeve

Agrico, Leo de Kock and Nedato join forces for ware potatoes.


De Aardappelhoeve is a family business specialized in the growing, washing and packing of table potatoes.

The company is in control the whole food chain, from the fields to your plate, which is the main asset of the Aardappelhoeve. The planting, growing, washing, packing and transport of the potatoes to the supermarkets is their everyday activity.

The company sells table potatoes branded Pom-Pure.

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Belgian potato producers are relieved
十月 25, 2016

Belgian potato producers are relieved as weather turns

Finally, potato growers in Belgium can relax a bit. At last the weather conditions were in their favour and they could start the harvest
VLAM at Fruit Logistica
二月 03, 2016

VLAM at Fruit Logistica

25 suppliers of Belgian potatoes, fruits, vegetables and fruit trees welcome you in Berlin at the VLAM booth at Fruit Logistica.
Bart Nemegheer, Aardappelhoeve: "Surplus everywhere in Western Europe"
八月 28, 2014

Bart Nemegheer, Aardappelhoeve: 'Surplus everywhere in Western Europe'

In the potato market, growers and traders live from day to day. 'It's very unpredictable at the moment', Bart Nemegheer of the Aardappelhoeve laments. 'Demand is good, but prices are far below par.'
VLAM Fruit Logistica stand in 2013
一月 23, 2014

Fruit Logistica 2014: meet 25 Belgian exporters on the VLAM stand

With its annual exports of approximately 418,000 tons, Flandria is Europe’s biggest vegetable brand. You can get to know the products and sixteen fruit and vegetable suppliers at Fruit Logistica.