
McCain launches craft beer battered chips
六月 19, 2019

McCain launches craft beer battered fries in Australia

McCain has launched a range of craft beer battered chips via a new campaign from Cummins&Partners that "challenges the norm" of online advertising with a long and complex audio clip.
Potato hotel paying dividends for Idaho farmers
六月 18, 2019

Potato hotel paying dividends for Idaho farmers

Giving away the original 6-ton replica Russet Burbank that once toured the nation on its Great Big Idaho Potato Truck is paying major dividends for the Idaho Potato Commission, according to Frank Muir, president and CEO of the organization.
六月 18, 2019

French fries Inc.: The potato cannot be burned from the news.

The potato cannot be burned from the news. This week it turned out that Belgian growers are settling in northern France because the Belgian area is almost exhausted.
Complete Snack Solutions on display at Snackex 2019 with Heat and Control and Ishida
六月 17, 2019

Complete Snack Solutions on display at Snackex 2019 with Heat and Control and Ishida

The Heat and Control and Ishida (HCI) Alliance is delivering on the promise of a ‘one-stop-shop’ for integrated processing and packaging snack solutions, with an expert team and a selection of the latest innovative equipment design on display at Snackex,
Freshfel Europe 2019 Activity Report published
六月 14, 2019

Freshfel Europe 2019 Activity Report published

Freshfel Europe’s 2019 Activity Report has been published and is now available for download on the Freshfel Europe website.
Freshfel Europe analyses promotion & trade opportunities for fresh produce at Annual Event in London
六月 14, 2019

Freshfel Europe analyses promotion & trade opportunities for fresh produce at Annual Event in London

On 5 June 2019 leading fresh produce stakeholders from across Europe gathered at Freshfel Europe’s 2019 Annual Event to analyse the driving forces for opportunities in the current unpredictable business environment for the fresh produce sector.
Europatat Congress 2019 A unique and successful event for the sector!
六月 14, 2019

Europatat Congress 2019 A unique and successful event for the sector!

On 13 June, the European potato community has gathered in Oslo, Norway, for the Europatat Congress 2019. Under the slogan “The timeless potato: A dynamic and innovative food”.
España: La polilla guatemalteca hace estragos en el cultivo de papa en Tenerife, donde hay fincas con pérdidas de hasta el 50%
六月 12, 2019

España: La polilla guatemalteca hace estragos en el cultivo de papa en Tenerife, donde hay fincas con pérdidas de hasta el 50%

Los agricultores de papas de la isla de Tenerife están barajando la posibilidad de solicitar una ayuda extraordinaria para compensar las pérdidas económicas a las que tendrán que hacer frente por la alta incidencia de polilla guatemalteca.
Transfieren más de S/ 2 millones para mejorar cadena productiva de la papa
六月 12, 2019

Transfieren más de S/ 2 millones para mejorar cadena productiva de la papa

El Instituto Tecnológico de la Producción (ITP) red CITE del Ministerio de la Producción (Produce), transferirá más de dos millones de soles al CITEpapa para mejorar la competitividad de la cadena productiva del tubérculo y otros cultivos andinos.
1700 Familias peruanas se benefician con proyecto promovido por Naciones Unidas y el Centro Internacional de la Papa
六月 12, 2019

1700 Familias peruanas se benefician con proyecto promovido por Naciones Unidas y el Centro Internacional de la Papa

Durante el evento de presentación de los resultados el Centro Internacional de la Papa recibió el Premio a la mejor donación de FIDA en la categoría 'Gestión del conocimiento'.
六月 11, 2019

ProPak 中国 2019 聚焦食品加工与包装

ProPak 中国 2019为您提供无与伦比的全球采购机会。
Potato acreage in North-western Europe increased
六月 11, 2019

Potato acreage in North-western Europe increased

Based upon a provisional estimation of the NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) the area in the 5 largest potato countries increased to 609.000 ha of consumption potatoes, a 2.4% increase.


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