News on The Potato Supply Chain from Central America

January 06, 2010

Alimentos procesados generan obesidad en Guatemala

El aumento en el consumo de alimentos procesados contribuiría significativamente al alto índice de obesidad y sobrepeso en Guatemala, el noveno país más pobre de América Latina y el Caribe, de acuerdo con estudio publicado en la revista científica Heal...
May 05, 2009

En Honduras inauguran centro nacional de producción de semilla de papa

El ministro de Agricultura y Ganadería, Héctor Hernández, inauguró el Centro Nacional de Producción de Semilla de Papa que incluye el laboratorio e invernaderos en esta comunidad El fin es producir 19 mil 500 quintales de semilla certificada y dar acc...
March 19, 2009

US Potato Growers hit by Mexican retaliation as US blocks access of Mexican Trucks

Fruits and vegetables - including potatoes- are the most common items on the list of 90 products hit with tariffs as of today, as Mexico retaliated against a U.S. decision to block Mexican trucks from traveling north of a commercial zone along the bo...
June 21, 2008

Idaho Potato Commission works on promo of Dehydrated Potato in Mexico

The Idaho Potato Commission is developing the details of a promotion for dehydrated potato products in Mexico.The details of the project are still being worked out, said Seth Pemsler, vice president of retail and international affairs for the commissio...
May 20, 2008

Costa Rica develops Phythophtora resistant Potato Varieties

After three long years of study, the Instituto Nacional de Innovación y Transferencia en Tecnologí Agropecuaria (INTA, or the National Institute for Innovation and Transference of Agricultural Technology) has made a potato breakthrough, and five new ty...
October 22, 2007

USPB promotes frozen potato products in Mexico

The United States Potato Board (USPB) increases demand for US frozen potato products in Mexico by reaching both trade and consumers. Trade is targeted through restaurant chain training and tailored seminars held in conjunction with the importer/distri...
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August 30, 2007

Instalarán planta empacadora de tubérculos en Panamá

Una planta empacadora de tubérculos y raíces, que se instalará próximamente en el distrito de Ocú, pudiese ayudar a resolver el problema del rechazo que tienen algunos productos cuya apariencia los descalifica para su comercialización (...) Ésta es la...


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