News on Potatoes for processing from Belgium

Europa: se desploma el precio de las patatas para industria
March 11, 2025

Europa: se desploma el precio de las patatas para industria

Tras polémicas decisiones por parte de los industriales, los precios de las patatas caen más del 10% repentinamente. Criticizes Unilateral Contract Reductions in Belgian Potato Sector
March 06, 2025 calls for signed potato contracts to be correctly executed is surprised to learn of the proposals from some potato buyers, whereby they unilaterally reduce the contracted quantities from the buyer without any form of consultation in already signed contracts. This is unacceptable.
Sackett Ranch meets the high standards of the United States' most popular potato chip brand by using TOMRA Sorters
March 15, 2024

Sackett Ranch meets the high standards of the United States' most popular potato chip brand by using TOMRA Sorters

The Sackett family has been growing potatoes in Michigan for six generations since first planting 20 acres of the crop in 1905.
The North-western European Potato growers (NEPG) responds to the price drop of free buy potatoes (non-contracted potatoes)and the negative signal this sends to the growers.
October 02, 2023

North-western European Potato growers (NEPG) concerned about price drop of free buy potatoes and negative signal to growers.

During the last weeks, free buy prices from different North-western European quotations have dramatically fallen, no longer allowing to cover production costs. North-western European Potato growers (NEPG) respond.
Potato acreage in North-western Europe up 2 to 3 percent. Questions about total production remain
July 08, 2023

Potato acreage in North-western Europe up 2 to 3 percent. Questions about total production remain

The North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimate the area of ware potatoes has increased by 2 to 3%. This is slightly higher than the record in 2020, when it was 522.000 ha for the EU-4 (NL, BE, DE, FR).
Disruptions in the potato sector
January 30, 2023

NEPG provides an update on the potato situation in France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany: more potatoes needed!

The North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) report on the potato market in the NEPG zone (France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany)
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NEPG reports a 6% drop in potato production in North Western Europe and warns high costs could reduce potato area in 2023
November 17, 2022

NEPG reports a 6% drop in potato production in North-western Europe and warns high costs could reduce potato area in 2023

During its last meeting on November 9, 2022, the NEPG estimated that the total potato production 2022 in the NEPG zone (EU-04) will be down by 6 % compared to last year.
NEPG: Climate change will reduce the total potato production in Belgium, Netherlands, France and Germany by 7 to 11 % despite an increase in hectares
September 15, 2022

NEPG: Climate change will reduce the total potato production in Belgium, Netherlands, France and Germany by 7 to 11 % despite an increase in hectares

During its last meeting prior to Potato Europe 2022, the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimates that global potato production in the NEPG zone (EU-04) will be down by 7 to 11 %.
Sas Bernard, a well-known french potato grower, renews its trust in TOMRA Food by choosing the TOMRA 3A.
September 12, 2022

Sas Bernard, a well-known french potato grower, renews its trust in TOMRA Food by choosing the TOMRA 3A

The Bernard SME employs 35 people and is almost one hundred years old. It is located in Gomiécourt, 30 minutes from the Arras train station, in the Hautsde-France region on the vast plains of the Artois.
Johann Kraut Farming Operation invests in TOMRA 3A optical sorter to ensure top quality potatoes for french fries
March 03, 2022

Johann Kraut Farming Operation invests in TOMRA 3A optical sorter to ensure top quality potatoes for french fries

German business Johann Kraut Landwirtschaft is a real potato specialist: the family-run 90-hectare (220-acre) at Bergkirchen, Bavaria, is now in the third generation and has been growing Potatoes for more than 50 years.
EUPPA Sustainability map: sustainable agriculture initiatives
March 03, 2022

European potato processors put sustainability at centre stage

The European Potato Processors’ Association (EUPPA) released a special report highlighting progress made in recent years by the sector across key areas of environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
Interpom finally brings the European potato chain together again.
November 16, 2021

Interpom brings the European potato chain together again. Finally!

Interpom 2021 is fast approaching – we are now on the home stretch! After a whole year of postponement, Interpom will finally be held on Sunday 28, Monday 29, and Tuesday 30 November 2021 in Kortrijk Xpo (B).
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Corona crisis slashes Belgian potato industry in 2020. Volume of potatoes for processing lowest in three years
March 02, 2021

Corona crisis hits Belgian potato industry hard: 2020 processing volume lowest in three years

No one could miss it in the media last year: the COVID-19 pandemic hit the Belgian potato sector hard.
Planting potatoes
November 03, 2020

North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG): Potato acreage should decrease by a minimum of 15%

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) estimates that the total harvest will be 27.9 million tons this season if all potatoes in the ground will be indeed harvested. The harvest is later than usual with all the risks involved.
Romain Cools: 2020 could well become the toughest NW European potato season in 50 years
September 21, 2020

2020 could become the toughest NW European potato season in 50 years

Last week, the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) association announced their harvest estimate for the 2020/2021 season.
NEPG hopes that the potato area has reduced with 5 %
May 11, 2020

NEPG hopes that the potato area has reduced with 5 %

The foodservice demand for potato products has dropped with 50 – 60 % and the export markets have lost their potential, so the world-wide potato-processing industry has reduced their capacity and need for raw material. More than 2 million tons will probably not been processed in the NEPG mainland potato countries only.
Belgian potato sector grows again in 2019
April 13, 2020

Belgian potato processing sector continues growth in 2019

Last year, despite the difficult growing conditions as a result of the extreme heat and drought during both the 2018-2019 and the 2019-2020 seasons, the Belgian potato-processing industry once again improved the record for processed potatoes.
March 24, 2020

Free market for potatoes in Belgium collapsed due to COVID-19

Due to COVID-19 the free market of potatoes has completely collapsed. The PCA/Fiwap and the Belgapom price quotation has been suspended because of a lack of transactions on the free market of potatoes.


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