
January 16, 2010

Estados Unidos congela sus tasas de obesidad

Las tasas de obesidad de Estados Unidos no aumentaron durante el periodo entre 2003 y 2008, según muestran los resultados de un estudio realizado por el National Center for Health Statistics at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. En c...
January 15, 2010

Have US obesity data reached a plateau?

Americans, at least as a group, may have reached their peak of obesity, according to data the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released Wednesday.The numbers indicate that obesity rates have remained constant for at least five years among men...
January 13, 2010

New Jersey readies menu labeling law

New Jersey lawmakers passed Wednesday a measure requiring restaurant chains with 20 or more outlets around the country to post calorie counts on menus and menu boards in their locations throughout the state.The state Assembly passed the bill by a margi...
January 13, 2010

Nueva York ordena reducir un 25% la sal de los alimentos

El alcalde de Nueva York, Michael Bloomberg, sigue con su cruzada por la vida sana. Primero, prohibió fumar en bares y restaurantes de la ciudad. Después, obligó a retirar las grasas trans y a especificar las calorías en los menús. Y ahora lanza una ca...
 Salt shaker
January 11, 2010

CDC supports efforts to reduce the sodium content of manufactured and restaurant foods

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supports efforts to reduce the sodium content of manufactured and restaurant foods.  Most American adults should consume no more than 1,500 mg. of sodium – the equivalent of about two-thirds of a t...
January 11, 2010

New York City Health Department Announces Targets for Voluntary Salt Reduction in Packaged & Restaurant Foods

The National Salt Reduction Initiative, a New York City-led partnership of cities, states and national health organizations, today unveiled its proposed targets to guide a voluntary reduction of salt levels in packaged and restaurant foods.Americans co...
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January 11, 2010

Responses to NYC led National Salt Reduction Initiative

Today the NYC Health Department announced the details of its National Salt Reduction Initiative. The program will ask food producers to voluntarily cut their sodium output 20 to 25 percent by 2014. Some big-name companies have signed on (PepsiCo plans ...
Más obesos que fumadores
January 08, 2010

Más obesos que fumadores

Por primera vez en Estados Unidos la obesidad superó al consumo de tabaco como la principal amenaza para la salud. A pesar de que la mayoría de las personas con sobrepreso toman como resolución de Año Nuevo perder algunas libras, una encuesta revela qu...
January 06, 2010

Obesity overtakes smoking as health burden in US

The morbidity-mortality curves for smoking and obesity in the US have crossed as the latter appears to have become the greater health threat, at least as measured by quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) lost, suggests an analysis published online Januar...
January 02, 2010

A partir de enero, cero trans en California

Hoy sí, a partir del 1 de enero los restaurantes y comederos del estado no podrán utilizar las grasas saturadas o trans, un componente culinario asociado a las enfermedades cardiovasculares, en la preparación de alimentos. La ley que así lo dispone f...
December 28, 2009

California Restaurants can't cook in trans fat after January 1

California will bar restaurants from cooking with trans fat beginning New Year's Day, becoming the first state to crack down on the substance tied to clogged arteries, strokes and coronary heart disease. The ban is hailed by supporters as a way to pr...
December 22, 2009

Impact of Menu Labeling: People Eat Less When They Know More

The restaurant industry has lobbied hard against mandatory menu labeling in restaurants, highlighting the importance of a new study from the Rudd Center measuring the impact of menu-labeling regulations. The researchers found that calorie labels result...
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 Conagra Foods
October 18, 2009

Conagra Foods Introduces 100 Calories Less Pledge

ConAgra Foods announced today a new “100 calories less pledge”, an education and awareness building effort as part of its outreach at the American Dietetic Association (ADA) Food and Nutrition Conference in Denver.  The pledge is a voluntary commitment...
 Conagra Foods
October 15, 2009

ConAgra Foods to Reduce Sodium in Products by 20 Percent by 2015

ConAgra Foods, Inc., (NYSE: CAG) one of North America’s leading food makers, today announced its pledge to reduce salt across its portfolio of food products by 20 percent by 2015. Since 2006, the company has already removed more than 2 million pounds o...
October 02, 2009

Piden dejar de promocionar comida rápida entre los niños

Consumers International (CI) hace un llamado a las empresas a detener la promoción de alimentos con alto contenido de grasas, azúcar y sal, dirigida a la población infantil, como parte de una estrategia para abordar esta crisis de salud pública. Recie...
 RAND Health
September 11, 2009

Lowering Sodium Consumption Could Save U.S. $18 Billion Annually in Health Costs

Reducing Americans' average intake of sodium to the amount recommended by health officials could save the nation as much as $18 billion annually in avoided health care costs and improve the quality of life for millions of people, according to a new R...
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September 06, 2009

Industry food labels deceptive?

It's a controversy that's as close as your local supermarket shelf - those familiar government nutrition labels. Now some big food manufacturers are adding labels of their own."The purpose is to help people make choices about healthier food and to...
July 23, 2009

WASH study: Foods in Canada contain more salt than elswhere

A study by the British-based World Action on Salt and Health, or WASH, compared the salt content of 260 food products under global brands such as KFC, McDonald's, Kellogg, Nestlé, Burger King and Subway. Not a single product surveyed had the same sal...


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