News on Potato Varieties and Seed from Yunnan

World Potato Congress Inc. Recognizes Zaotong as 'Potato Plateau Seed Potato Capital of the World'
August 24, 2020

World Potato Congress Inc. Recognizes Zaotong as 'Potato Plateau Seed Potato Capital of the World'

On August 18, 2020, a meeting was held in Zhaotong city, China. World Potato Congress (WPC) President Roman Cools, Dr. Peter VanderZaag, WPC Secretary and Brian Douglas, General Manager attended virtually.
World Potato Congress participates at the Potato Conference in Zhaotang, China
November 01, 2018

World Potato Congress participates at the Potato Conference in Zhaotang, China

The Potato Conference in Zhaotong, China was held earlier this week on October 28 and 29, 2018. The World Potato Congress delegation made a significant contribution.


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