News on Food Trends from the Americas

La importación de papa se dispara en Bolivia
July 21, 2017

La importación de papa se dispara en Bolivia

Según un reciente estudio, las compras de papa en el exterior pasaron de 5 mil toneladas en el año 2000 a 25 mil en 2016.
Colombia: Lanzan campaña para promover consumo de papa
July 17, 2017

Colombia: Lanzan campaña para promover consumo de papa

La Federación Colombiana de Productores de Papa, Fedepapa, y el Fondo Nacional de Fomento de la Papa, FNFP, presentaron su campaña de consumo "Una papa bien preparada te soluciona", con el objetivo de incentivar el consumo de papa en el país.
Side Delights adds Organic Russet Single Wrapped, Microwaveable Potato to its Farmer’s Table Organic potato line up
July 11, 2017

Side Delights adds Organic Russet Single Wrapped, Microwaveable Potato to its Farmer’s Table Organic potato line up

Fresh Solutions Network announces the launch of its Side Delights® Farmer’s Table® Organic Russet single wrapped, microwaveable potato – a line extension to the Farmer’s Table Organic potato line up.
Lay's names 10 semifinalists in 'Do-Us-A-Flavor the Pitch'. Who will get to the next round?
July 10, 2017

Lay's names SEMI-finalists in 'Do-Us-A-Flavor' the PITCH. Who will get to the next round?

Lay's, one of the marquee brands from PepsiCo's Frito Lay division, today announced it has narrowed its 'Do Us a Flavor' contest submissions to 10 semifinalist flavors. Check back for the Three finalists on July 18!
Boise Researchers plan to develop an 'extremely low cost' sensor to detect rot in potato storage
July 07, 2017

Boise researchers to develop an 'extremely low cost' sensor to detect rot in potato storage

Research of Boise State University plan to develop a wireless sensor network that would be able to detect temperature, humidity levels, carbon dioxide and ammonia levels in real time, to help with early detection of rot in stored potatoes.
Arqueólogos encuentran las papas más antiguas de América
July 05, 2017

Arqueólogos encuentran las papas más antiguas de América

Como parte de una nueva investigación, se han desenterrado en Utah (EE.UU.) los que podrían ser los gránulos de papa más antiguos, fechados hace 10.900 años. Según los científicos, esta papa podría ser una fuente de alimento potencial para el futuro.
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Potato starch residue in stone tool proves potato use in Utah goes back over 10,000 years
July 04, 2017

Starch residue in ancient tool proves potato use in Utah goes back 10,000+ years

Researchers from the Natural History Museum of Utah and Red Butte Garden at the University of Utah have discovered potato starch residues in the crevices of a 10,900-year-old stone tool in Escalante, Utah — the earliest evidence of wild potato use in North America.
US Pro Baseball teams cash in on specifically designed and branded Wise Snacks
July 04, 2017

US Pro Baseball teams cash in on specifically designed and branded Wise Snacks

Wise Foods has formed brand partnerships with two US Pro Baseball teams: the New York Mets play the Atlanta Braves
To protect crops, farmers could promote potato beetle cannibalism
June 27, 2017

To protect crops, farmers could promote potato beetle cannibalism

UMaine scientists say farmers could try to protect their potato crop by utilizing agricultural practices — including crop rotations and push-pull strategies — to create field conditions that favor Colorado potato beetle cannibalism.
Perú importa 35 mil toneladas de papa para abastecer el negocio de la pollería
June 22, 2017

Perú importa 35 mil toneladas de papa para abastecer el negocio de la pollería

La industria de pollería en el Perú consume 250 mil toneladas de papa al año. De ellas, 35 mil son importadas. Para reducir esa cantidad se debe mejorar su oferta de calidad, afirma el especialista en la cadena de papa de la DGA del Minagri, Miguel Quevedo.
Pueden convivir la papa, la ganadería y el turismo en los páramos colombianos? (Opinión)
June 20, 2017

Pueden convivir la papa, la ganadería y el turismo en los páramos colombianos? (Opinión)

El Acuerdo de Paz [entre la guerrilla y el Gobierno] permite que los páramos, antes vedados para el turismo bogotano y los empresarios de la papa como inversionistas extractivitas, ahora estén abiertos y sean atractivos.
Fry Factory Inc adjusts automatic restaurant french fry cutter to North American potatoes
June 19, 2017

Fry Factory Inc adjusts automatic restaurant french fry cutter to North American potatoes

An entrepreneur in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island has modified an automated restaurant french fry cutter to the North American market.
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Amazon to Acquire Whole Foods Market
June 16, 2017

Amazon to Acquire Whole Foods Market

Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) and Whole Foods Market, Inc. (NASDAQ:WFM) today announced that they have entered into a definitive merger agreement under which Amazon will acquire Whole Foods Market for $42 per share in an all-cash transaction valued at approximately $13.7 billion, including Whole Foods Market’s net debt.
Potato Expo 2018 Now Accepting Submissions For Sessions And Panels
June 15, 2017

Potato Expo 2018 Now Accepting Submissions for new Innovation Hub

The new Potato Expo Innovation Hub is now open and accepting abstract submissions for the Potato Expo 2018, the largest convention and trade show for the potato industry in North America.
El cultivo de la papa en Venezuela estaría desapareciendo
June 14, 2017

El cultivo de la papa en Venezuela estaría desapareciendo

La situación para los productores estaría impulsando la desaparición del cultivo de la dieta nacional. De 17.000 hectáreas habilitadas para cultivar papa, sólo 6.000 están sembradas.
Grocery Chain ALDI ramps up United States expansion. Goal: 2500 stores by end 2022
June 14, 2017

Grocery Chain ALDI ramps up its United States expansion. Goal: 2500 stores by end of 2022

Grocery chain ALDI announced a $3.4 billion capital investment to expand to 2,500 stores in the United States by the end of 2022, in addition to its 1.6 billion program to remodel 1,300 stores by 2020.
Snikiddy Relaunches Baked Fries Snack. With lots of Organic Ingredients, but no organic potato...
June 13, 2017

Snikiddy Relaunches Baked Fries Snack. With Organic Corn and Sunflower, but no Organic Potato...

Snikiddy, a line of tasty snacks made from simple, wholesome, real-food ingredients, is revamping its beloved line of Baked Fries to now include 70 percent organic ingredients.
Colorado State University to study the spread of pathogens in US potato crops
June 12, 2017

Colorado State University to study the spread of pathogens in US potato crops

Colorado U.S. Senators Michael Bennet and Cory Gardner this week announced that Colorado State University will receive $264,600 in funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to study the spread of pathogens in U.S potato crops.


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