The World Potato Congress Inc. officially adopts Declaration of Dublin: Fostering Potato Partnerships for Food Security
May 18, 2023

World Potato Congress officially adopts the Declaration of Dublin: Fostering Potato Partnerships for Food Security

The World Potato Congress (WPC) Inc., through its mission of creating value chain networking within the global potato community, has officially adopted the Declaration of Dublin: Fostering Potato Partnerships for Food Security.
The Rise of Global Temperature and How It Affects Potato Production
May 15, 2023

The Rise of Global Temperature and How It Affects Potato Production

From melting glaciers and flooding to drought, rising global temperature is affecting agriculture in many ways. Potato production is also taking a hit.
Hijos de Rivera con la Universidad de A Coruña
May 01, 2023

Patatas que crecen junto a los eucaliptos en A Laracha, el nuevo proyecto de Hijos de Rivera con la Universidad de A Coruña

El proyecto de la Cátedra de Hijos de Rivera junto con la Fundación Galicia Sustentable en Montemaior experimenta con el aprovechamiento de los suelos afectados por la explotación intensiva de este árbol para producir alimentos.
La fábrica 4.0 de Patatas Meléndez
April 16, 2023

España: La fábrica 4.0 de Patatas Meléndez, un proyecto altamente eficiente y sostenible

Patatas Meléndez, compañía vallisoletana cuyo CEO y administrador único es Javier Meléndez, es el primer operador de patata en España con un 20% de cuota de mercado. Este 2023 también va a posicionarse como un referente a nivel europeo gracias a su fábrica 4.0., con una inversión de más de 36 millones de euros.
Royal Avebe emphasizes the added and distinctive value of potato starch and protein products
April 11, 2023

Royal Avebe strategy: focus on the added and distinctive value of potato starch and protein products

On Thursday 30 March 2023, Royal Avebe presented its strategy for the next five years during a breakfast for invited media. The cooperative will Accelerate and strengthen.
Sustainable and yet highly productive agriculture
April 03, 2023

Sustainable and yet highly productive agriculture

The Netherlands is committed to developing a sustainable and highly productive food system, with less use of fertilisers, water and pesticides, and more biodiversity and crop diversity.
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Avebe’s Sustainable Plant-Based Packaging & Building Solutions at European Coatings Show
April 02, 2023

Avebe’s Sustainable Plant-Based Packaging & Building Solutions at European Coatings Show

Avebe makes innovative ingredients derived from potatoes, which they use to create unique solutions for the food, pet food and industrial such as building, and packaging industries.
Joint Statement – Efforts for more sustainable packaging for the fruit and vegetables sector should be based on realistic, fair, and feasible targets for real environmental impact reduction
March 28, 2023

European Produce Associations Call for Revised Packaging Regulations to Support Sustainable Practices in the Fruit and Vegetable Sector

Copa-Cogeca, Freshfel Europe, the European Fresh Produce Association, and Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, have taken note of the European Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste that was published on 30 November 2022
Launch of a new project 'WASTELESS' to measure and reduce food losses and waste in the EU
March 03, 2023

Europatat participates in new EU project 'WASTELESS' to measure and reduce food loss

Potato trade association Europatat will participate in EU project WASTELESS, which aims to develop tools for measuring food loss and waste in the EU food supply chain, currently estimated at 88 million tonnes every year.
Greenvale teams up with Trinity AgTech to boost sustainability and carbon credentials for potato growers
February 01, 2023

Greenvale teams up with Trinity AgTech to boost sustainability and carbon credentials for potato growers

Leading UK potato supplier Greenvale AP Ltd has partnered with Trinity AgTech to roll out Trinity’s natural capital navigator, Sandy, to farms across the country, supporting them in credibly and confidently analysing and reaching their environmental targets.
GEA’s tunnel vision offers sustainable freezing solutions for French fries
January 29, 2023

GEA’s tunnel vision offers sustainable freezing solutions for French fries

Global sales of French fries are being driven by the rising number of online food delivery service companies. According to projections published by Fact.MR, French fries are forecast to register a whopping 5.8% value CAGR over the next 10 years.
Phosphorus supply is increasingly disrupted – we are sleepwalking into a global food crisis
January 22, 2023

The next global food crisis? Phosphorus supply is increasingly disrupted...

Without phosphorus food cannot be produced, since all plants and animals need it to grow. Put simply: if there is no phosphorus, there is no life. As such, phosphorus-based fertilisers – it is the "P" in "NPK" fertiliser – have become critical to the global food system.
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Sustainable Potato Enjoyment: Lamb Weston / Meijer’s progress report on 2030 Sustainability Agenda
January 18, 2023

Sustainable Potato Enjoyment: Lamb Weston / Meijer’s progress report on 2030 Sustainability Agenda

Lamb Weston / Meijer released its Sustainability Report 2021-2022, based on its 2030 Sustainability Agenda and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The future of sustainable packaging
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The future of sustainable packaging

Whether you are the sustainability manager at your company, or you’re about to forward this article to them, reducing the environmental impact of your product should be everybody’s goal.
Cosecha de patata en Álava, España
November 26, 2022

España: Udapa cosecha un 30 porciento menos de patata en Álava pero de excelente calidad

El calor y la sequía de este año han provocado la merma en los rendimientos pero han favorecido la sanidad del cultivo.
7 supermarkets sign up for 100% robust potatoes in an organic range
November 19, 2022

In the Netherlands, 7 supermarkets sign up for 100% robust potatoes in an organic range

In the Netherlands, 31 parties in the table potato chain sign a covenant in which they commit to switch completely to organic robust potato varieties, including 7 supermarkets.
Updates on the Austrian potato variety trials (Nov 2022)
November 05, 2022

Update on ADAPT potato variety trials in Austria (Nov 2022)

The ADAPT project aims at developing new strategies to make potatoes fit for the challenging growth conditions of the future. Within this project, potato varieties trials are conducted in Austria.
Summary of EUPPA Conference 2022
November 03, 2022

EUPPA Conference focuses on sustainability in the potato processing sector

The Conference main theme was 'EUPPA driving sustainability across the potato processing sector'. It was the first gathering of the kind since the Covid-19 outbreak.


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