News on Potato Stats, Trade, Prices

Grandes preocupaciones en el sector de la patata holandesa
December 28, 2020

Grandes preocupaciones en el sector de la patata holandesa

Según Adrie Kleinjan, de la empresa holandesa Kleinjan's Aardappelhandel, el mercado de las patatas no pinta muy bien en este momento.
En busca de nuevos mercados, Colombia inicia exportación de batata a Holanda
December 21, 2020

En busca de nuevos mercados, Colombia inicia exportación de batata a Holanda

La Corporación colombiana de investigación Agropecuaria (Agrosavia), estableció una alianza con la empresa Frutas Comerciales S.A para la producción de la variedad de batata aurora con fines de exportación al mercado europeo.
Great Britain potato production increased by 4.1% compared to last season
December 17, 2020

Great Britain potato production increased by 4.1% compared to last season

The GB potato industry accounts for over 117.46Kha of planted area this year, and is represented by 1,611 growers in 2020. Growers have faced difficult seasons of late.
NEPG uncertain about pending potato season
December 17, 2020

NEPG uncertain about pending potato season

NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) is unsure of the current potato situation and does not expect major changes in the demand side of the market in the coming weeks.
Estimate of Canadian Potato Production December 4, 2020
December 14, 2020

2020 Potato Production in Canada: a slight drop overall, but huge changes by province

Potato Production in Canada for the year 2020, is estimated at 104,203,000 hundredweight. This is down 1.4 million hundredweight or 1.3 percent below de production in 2019.
United States exports seed potatoes to Cuba
December 10, 2020

United States exports seed potatoes to Cuba for trials

Potatoes USA has sent the first shipment of U.S. seed potatoes to Cuba. The mixed load of 10 different varieties will be utilized in trials conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture in Cuba.
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Working together on sustainable potato production in Kenya
December 08, 2020

Working together on sustainable potato production in Kenya

Viazi (potatoes in Kiswahili) are grown in Kenya since the 19th century. The production and consumption of the potato have grown steadily since.
Se busca promover el consumo de la papa peruana
December 07, 2020

Se busca promover el consumo de la papa peruana

Se busca promover el consumo de la papa peruana y destacar el trabajo de más de 711 mil familias dedicadas al cultivo de este tubérculo. En el Perú se producen más de 3500 variedades de papa.
Azerbaijan increased production and export of potatoes
December 01, 2020

Azerbaijan increased production and export of potatoes

In the period between January and October of 2020, 982,1 tons of potatoes were produced in Azerbaijan. According to the State Statistics Committee, compared to the same period last year, this indicator increased by 1,6%.
Gobierno Colombiano no autorizó la importación de 65.000 toneladas de papa de Bélgica
November 30, 2020

Gobierno Colombiano no autorizó la importación de 65.000 toneladas de papa de Bélgica

La desinformación surgió al sacar de contexto unas proyecciones que hizo Fedepapa en marzo. Le explicamos las raíces de la crisis y los efectos que, según los expertos, se pueden producir si no se toman medidas estructurales.
La empresa vallisoletana apuesta por las variedades 'Agria' y 'Lady amarilla' para seguir ofreciendo patata nacional y de Castilla y León a los consumidores.
November 30, 2020

Juan Manuel Coello, Patatas Meléndez: 'La patata de calidad para lavado ha soportado bien la incertidumbre generada por el Covid-19'

La empresa vallisoletana apuesta por las variedades 'Agria' y 'Lady amarilla' para seguir ofreciendo patata nacional y de Castilla y León a los consumidores.
US potato imports surge
November 29, 2020

US potato imports surge

US potato imports for the first quarter of the July 2020 – June 2021 marketing year were up 19% in total, according to a news release issued by Potatoes USA.
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British potato production up as growers win battle with the weather
November 28, 2020

British potato production up as growers win battle with the weather

The total harvest of British potatoes this year will be 5.3m tonnes according to provisional estimates – up two point eight per cent (2.8%) on last year’s figure but just below the five-year average of 5.4m tonnes.
Ukraine imports potatoes from Poland and the Netherlands
November 23, 2020

Ukraine imports potatoes from Poland and the Netherlands

Ukraine started to import potatoes from Poland, where prices fell sharply due to a significant reduction in consumption by the European foodservice segment.
EU tariffs on US sweet potatoes increase 25%
November 23, 2020

EU tariffs on US sweet potatoes increase 25%

The European Union brought in $4 billion of tariffs earlier this month. The tariffs will affect a whole range of imported products, with grapefruit and sweet potatoes among them.
United States Retail Potato sales exceed 5-year records
November 20, 2020

US Potato sales in retail exceed 5-year records

Record potato sales continued at US retail from July through September 2020. Total store potato sales increased by 13.6% in dollar sales and 10.6% in volume sales, compared to the same time frame in 2019.
Guillaume Liesch, Champ'pom : 'The situation is good in the consumption potato market'
November 17, 2020

Guillaume Liesch, Champ'pom : 'The situation is good in the consumption potato market'

The health crisis has taken a toll on the industrial potato market, although the consumer market has not been hit that hard.
Bangladesh imports over 2,000 tons of seed potato from the Netherlands
November 17, 2020

Bangladesh imports over 2,000 tons of seed potato from the Netherlands

Bangladesh imports over 2,000 tons of seed potato from the Netherlands. Varieties include Diamond, Carolus, Margarita, Barcelona, and Accent.


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