Coronavirus: Patatas fritas y 'snacks' llenan la cesta de la compra en el aislamiento
April 13, 2020

Coronavirus: Patatas fritas y 'snacks' llenan la cesta de la compra en el aislamiento

Las ventas 'online' de gran consumo se disparan un 73,7% en la segunda semana de confinamiento.
Las medidas por el Coronavirus podrían causar una Escasez Mundial de Alimentos
March 30, 2020

Las medidas por el Coronavirus podrían causar una Escasez Mundial de Alimentos

Las medidas proteccionistas de los gobiernos nacionales durante la crisis del coronavirus podrían provocar escasez de alimentos en todo el mundo, advirtió la ONU.
Europatat’s position paper on EU-UK Future Trade Agreement
March 16, 2020

Europatat's position paper on EU-UK Future Trade Agreement

Following the Council’s green light to the opening of negotiations for a new partnership with the UK, Europatat has sent a position paper to the EU-UK negotiation team, as well as to the relevant officials in DG AGRI and DG SANTE.
Alarma en Mercadona: arrasan con estos productos por el coronavirus
March 09, 2020

Alarma en Mercadona: arrasan con estos productos por el coronavirus

El coronavirus ha llegado a España. El alarmismo social que se ha instaurado al vislumbrar lo que sucede en otros países (han cerrado los colegios en Italia), ha llevado a muchas personas a tomar decisiones un tanto precipitadas.
Launch of the New Nedato Product Line at Fruit Logistica
February 26, 2020

Launch of the New Nedato Product Line at Fruit Logistica

In the past year, Nedato has worked hard on the new strategic direction where growth is paramount in all segments. For example, Nedato is launching a new product line under its own name during Fruit Logistica.
Bord Bia, CNIPT, Europatat and VLAM join forces to promote the consumption of fresh potatoes among European millennials
January 28, 2020

Bord Bia, CNIPT, Europatat and VLAM join forces to promote the consumption of fresh potatoes among European millennials

CNIPT, Bord Bia, Europatat and VLAM have launched an inspiring campaign under the title “Potatoes, prepare to be surprised – Europe’s favourite since 1536”.
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Gran demanda de patatas francesas por parte de España
January 13, 2020

Gran demanda de patatas francesas por parte de España

Antoine Geysels, director de Top’Pom detalla que es más difícil que de costumbre vender lotes de calidad media desde el principio de la campaña.
Francia: 'Nuestras tres variedades de patatas Lady Anna, Celtiane y Gwenniw ya cuentan con la etiqueta Demain la Terre'
December 19, 2019

Francia: 'Nuestras tres variedades de patatas Lady Anna, Celtiane y Gwenniw ya cuentan con la etiqueta Demain la Terre'

A principios de este mes de diciembre, ya es posible consumir patatas con la certificación Demain la Terre. Pomliberty se unió a la asociación Demain la Terre como miembro en 2017.
October 29, 2019

Potato company Nedato invests in new packaging equipment

As of October 1, the new JASA packaging line at potato company Nedato in Oud-Beijerland is in operation. Nedato added this new packaging equipment to cope with the demand for smaller packaging in retail.
Kettle Foods deepens its Norfolk roots with £2.7m potato processing investment
June 19, 2019

Kettle Foods deepens its Norfolk roots with £2.7m potato processing investment

A well-known Norwich crisps brand has embedded its roots in Norfolk for decades to come by investing £2.7m in a new potato processing building - unlocking the factory's future growth potential.
One way that supermarkets of the future can tackle the scandal of food waste
April 25, 2019

Supermarket of the Future: tackling food waste

Supermarkets of the near-future will have their business models radically re-shaped by innovations instore, online, and in the food industry supply chain.
McCain Foods GB partners with e.fundamentals to help drive online sales
April 16, 2019

McCain Foods GB partners with e.fundamentals to help drive online sales

McCain Foods, the world’s largest manufacturer of frozen potato products, has selected e-commerce analytics provider e.fundamentals to help drive sales of its products through retailers’ websites.
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Technologies and Trends shaping the Supermarket of the Future

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European retailers Tesco and Carrefour to create strategic alliance to deal with global suppliers

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Kettle Chips launches new size £1 sharing bags of its most popular flavours

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Merger talks between UK supermarket chains Sainsbury's and ASDA (Walmart)

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Potatoes in Retail: Albert Heyn's total overhaul of its potato display
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Potatoes in Retail: Albert Heyn's total overhaul of its potato display

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McCain opens its Roastaurant to help settle the #greatroastdebate

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