January 18, 2013

Research looks at impacts of copper on Idaho spud fields

New University of Idaho research suggests copper concentrations in some sandy-soiled Idaho farm fields treated with dairy lagoon water may be nearing levels that could stymie potato root growth.
January 15, 2013

Prince Edward Island Potato Board sets research as priority

The P.E.I. Potato Board is holding district meetings to brief farmers about plans to expand the amount of agricultural research it is involved with.
 Smashed Spuddy buddy
January 10, 2013

Educational Program on Idaho potatoes for Idaho's Elementary School Children

As the Idaho Potato Commission’s (IPC) 75th Anniversary year comes to a close, the IPC has partnered with Idaho’s First Lady, Lori Otter, to launch “Smashed Spuddy Buddy,” an educational and interactive program designed to help teach kids about the nut...
 Increased Potato Consumption
January 10, 2013

New Research finds US consumers are eating more potatoes

Recent consumer potato consumption trends point to significant growth opportunities for the U.S. potato industry, according to new research unveiled yesterday at POTATO EXPO 2013.
December 19, 2012

National Potato Board Appointments announced by US Dept. of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has appointed 30 members to serve on the National Potato Promotion Board. Each member will serve a three-year term of office beginning March 1, 2013.
Sagar Sathuvalli will serve as head of Oregon State University's potato breeding program.
December 12, 2012

New Potato Breeder hired at the Hermiston Agricultural Research & Extension Center

Oregon State University once again has a plant breeder leading its potato development efforts after filling a position that was vacant for nearly two years: Sagar Sathuvalli.
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 Heather Moyse promoting PEI potatoes
December 10, 2012

Heather Moyse to continue as Brand Ambassador for Prince Edward Island Potatoes

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board is proud to announce that Heather Moyse, an Olympic Gold Medalist hailing from Prince Edward Island, will be continuing in her role as Brand Ambassador for Prince Edward Island Potatoes.
Maine Potato Board selects Young Farmer of the Year
December 05, 2012

Maine Potato Board selects Young Farmer of the Year

The Maine Potato Board is pleased to announce the selection of the 2013 Young Farmer of the Year - Shawn Doyen of Willard C. Doyen &Sons Farm. Doyen lives in Mapleton with his wife Christi and their two children, Taylor, 7 and Charles, 3 Growing u...
 Gary Linkletter
November 21, 2012

Prince Edward Island potato industry to focus on research

The chair of the Prince Edward Island Potato Board, Gary Linkletter, said growers on PEI have not been getting the net returns that other growers across the country have been getting for their crop.
Potato Recipe Contest winner announced by Idaho Potato Commission
November 20, 2012

Potato Recipe Contest winner announced by Idaho Potato Commission

The Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) awarded a $250 cash prize to Zoe Lowinfell Cauvel of Twin Falls, Idaho for her delectable photo of Idaho® Potato “Nachos” in the IPC’s Recipe Photo Contest.
 World's largest potato display at chucks produce
November 11, 2012

New record setting potato display in Washington State

The Washington State Potato Commission (WSPC) is excited to announce that a new record setting display of potatoes will be on exhibit beginning November 11, 2012 at Chuck’s Produce and Street Market in Vancouver, WA. The display consists of 133,000 ...
 Las seis etapas para la toma de información en el proyecto sobre RTBs
November 06, 2012

Establecimiento de prioridades de investigación para raíces, tubérculos y plátanos: Suma tu voz!

El Programa de Investigación del CGIAR sobre raíces, tubérculos y plátanos (RTBs, por sus siglas en inglés) viene evaluando las prioridades de investigación que se espera produzcan los mayores impactos sobre el bienestar, la pobreza, la seguridad alime...
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November 06, 2012

USDA makes first purchase of dehydrated granules for a US global feeding program

On October 24, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the purchase of 240 metric tons of dehydrated potato granules and 320 metric tons of dehydrated potato flakes under the McGovern-Dole Food for Education and Child Nutrition Pro...
 National Potato Council
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POTATO EXPO 2013 Tradeshow showcases cutting-edge products and services

POTATO EXPO 2013, Jan. 9-11 at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, will feature the largest and most active Tradeshow in event history, enabling attendees and exhibitors to establish new business connections within our record-breaking 40,000+ square feet of flo...
Potatoes with higher levels of carotenoids developed by ARS scientists
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Potatoes with higher levels of carotenoids developed by ARS scientists

Potatoes with higher levels of beneficial carotenoids are the result of U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) studies to improve one of America's most popular vegetables.
Investigadores desarrollan papas que contienen niveles más altos de carotenoides
October 24, 2012

Investigadores desarrollan papas que contienen niveles más altos de carotenoides

Papas que contienen niveles más altos de los carotenoides beneficiosos son el resultado de estudios por científicos del Servicio de Investigación Agrícola (ARS) para mejorar una de las hortalizas más populares en EE.UU.
 Logo de Latinpapa
October 24, 2012

Red latinoamericana de la papa ayuda a agricultores

Desde su creación en 2008, la Red Latinoamericana de Innovación en Mejoramiento y Diseminación de la Papa (LatinPapa) ha permitido a más de 30 organizaciones de España y Latinoamerica acceder a tecnologías de punta, metodologías novedosas y experiencia...


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