QSR, Restaurant and Food Service Trends

November 14, 2008

Jim Skinner: McDonald's well positioned in face of recession

McDonald's Corp is shielded against recession and has hardly been hit by the international financial crisis, Chief Executive Jim Skinner was quoted as saying on Thursday."Worldwide turbulence is barely affecting our business,"Skinner told Ger...
October 02, 2008

McDonald's to speed up east Europe expansion

McDonald's Corp will speed up its expansion drive in central and eastern Europe to tap into the region's vibrant growth and increasingly affluent middle class, its No. 2 official said.Over the last several years, McDonald's has not grown significantly ...
September 08, 2008

McDonalds se desmarca de la comida basura

McDonald's ha querido demostrar en su última campaña publicitaria que ‘la comida rápida no es sinónimo de comida basura'. Por eso ha creado un anuncio destacando que sus alimentos son naturales y una página web en la que los clientes pueden hacer sus p...
August 30, 2008

Sr. Patata: Un fast food diferente en España

El Sr. Patata es una cadena de comida rápida que nos permite como su nombre indica comer en poco tiempo. Lo que diferencia al Sr. Patata del resto de sitios de comida rápida es que su menú se basa fundamentalmente en las patatas asadas, lo que hace que...
August 23, 2008

La franquicia Burger King consigue sacar partido a la crisis

La cadena estadounidense de hamburguesas ha batido sus previsiones de crecimiento alcanzando un beneficio neto de 100 millones de euros al cierre de su ejercicio fiscal. La cifra supone un crecimiento del 28% sobre el ejercicio anterior gracias al fuer...
August 16, 2008

Zorba, la patata diseñada en Alava que emplea Mc Donald's en sus restaurantes europeos

McDonald's se ha convertido en el principal cliente de Interseed Potatoes, una firma alemana que fabrica patatas fritas con una variedad desarrollada por el centro tecnológico Neiker bautizada como Zorba.
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 Making healthy choices
July 07, 2008

Helping people make healthier choices when eating out of the home

The British Prime Minister has called for stronger partnerships between Government and the food services industry to help enable consumers to make healthier choices when eating out of the home. A report published today by the Cabinet Office’s Strate...
July 02, 2008

McDonald's launches 'quality Happy Meals' ad to reassure parents

McDonald's is to launch its first TV campaign aimed at reassuring parents that only high-quality beef, chicken and potatoes are used in its Happy Meals. The £5m campaign marks the first time McDonald's, a company used to being vilified for its product...
June 19, 2008

Burguer King estudia comercializar en España la hamburguesa mas cara del mundo

La multinacional Burger King valorará lanzar en España la hamburguesa más cara del mundo, 'The Burguer', que ha puesto a la venta hoy en su restaurante de Gloucester Road en Londres, por 95 libras (120 euros), informó hoy la compañía.
June 18, 2008

Burger King's £95 burger goes on sale

A burger touted as the most expensive in the world has gone on sale at Burger King's Gloucester Road branch, London. Burger King's £95 sandwich contains flame-grilled Wagyu beef topped with white truffles in an Iranian saffron and truffle bun. It is c...
June 16, 2008

Organic Meets Fast Food at Munich Fry Boutique

Europe is crazy about organic food and the trend has been growing steadily over the past several years. But can organic break into the fast food market? A French fry shop owner in Munich is convinced it can. "It's complete nonsense,"said Bern...
 Verantwoord frituren
June 13, 2008

Helft Horeca frituurt in gezond vet

De groei van het aantal bedrijven dat 'gezond' frituurt, stagneert. De helft van de horecazaken gebruikte vorig jaar vloeibaar frituurvet. Dit aantal is gelijk aan een jaar eerder, blijkt uit een rapport van de Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit (VWA). KHN ...
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May 19, 2008

Bulgaria: First Burger King to open in June

The first two Burger King fast-food restaurants in Bulgaria will open in June, the company that owns the franchise rights for Bulgaria said on May 19. The restaurant in Mall Varna will open on June 12, by which time the first restaurant in Sofia, in Ci...
April 23, 2008

Burger King UK launches £85 burger

Burger King has announced plans to serve up the world’s most expensive cheeseburger – costing a staggering £85.The pricey treat will be made from finest Japanese Kobe beef and topped with foie gras and a rare blue cheese.It will be available in special...
March 25, 2008

Millionaire lottery winner goes back to job at McDonald's...

Luke Pittard, 25, won £1.3million on the National Lottery 18 months ago. He celebrated in the usual way, buying a new home and splashing out on a lavish wedding and holiday in the Canary Islands. Then he realised that he really missed his job. So he ...
 French Fries
March 21, 2008

Kartelvorming fritesfabrikanten onderzocht

Fritesfabrikanten maken geen prijsafspraken en vormen geen kartel. Dat is de conclusie die vicevoorzitter Hans Hus van de sector Fastservice trekt uit een onderzoek naar de prijsvorming van frites.   De prijsvorming van frites is onderzocht naar aanl...
March 21, 2008

Traffic light scheme advances onto menus

The UK Food Standards Agency has reported its traffic light scheme - intended for food manufacturers - will be used in restaurants to use on menus, indicating progress in raising awareness for the healthier eating message. The scheme was developed for ...
March 18, 2008

Utrecht controleert op vetafscheiders

De gemeente Utrecht gaat de komende maanden horecaondernemers in de binnenstad controleren op het bezit van een vetafscheider. Deze is verplicht, maar niet alle horecazaken in de Utrechtse binnenstad hebben er één, weet de gemeente.   Volgens de Wet M...


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