News on Potatoes at home from Australia

Daly Potato Company acquired by Pure Foods Tasmania Limited
September 11, 2020

Daly Potato Company acquired by Pure Foods Tasmania Limited

Pure Foods Tasmania Limited has agreed to buy the business and assets of Daly Potato Company Pty Ltd (DPC) for $1.8M with a mixture of cash and shares, subject to working capital adjustments.
West Australian Potato Growers want you to eat potatoes EVERY day...
July 03, 2017

West Australian Potato Growers want you to eat potatoes EVERY day...

West Australian potato growers want their potatoes back on dinner plates every day to help ease a massive glut. The advertising campaign - named Todatoes - began Saturday night with the start of a prime-time television advertising campaign.
Potato packers missing out on sales by not listing potato variety or best before date?
November 05, 2015

Potato packers missing out on sales by not listing potato variety or best before date?

Providing Australian consumers with more information on the package such as the potato variety and their uses would encourage them to buy more potatoes, according to the latest wave of Potato Tracker research.
Australian consumer research potato-tracker wave 10 available
September 03, 2015

Australian Consumer Research Potato-Tracker wave 10 available

Potatoes are becoming more appealing to Australia’s innovative home chefs ('Eager Explorers') who are searching for the next exciting food trend, according to new consumer research.
Australian consumers favour pre-packaged potatoes in a small bag
August 10, 2015

Australian consumers favour pre-packaged potatoes in a small bag

Consumer research in Australia, Potato Tracker, has shown that Australian consumers prefer to purchase pre-packaged potatoes, with one to two kilogram packages as the ideal sizes.
One Third of Aussies can't name a single Potato Variety
July 16, 2015

One Third of Aussies can't name a single Potato Variety

It appears that many Australians don’t know their King Edwards from their Kennebecs, with the latest wave of the Potato Tracker consumer research project indicating that some people can’t name a single variety of potato, despite being the most commonly purchased vegetable commodity.
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Yum Tasmania Gourmet potatoes. Purple Bliss is the darkest coloured potato on the right
July 15, 2015

Australia: Purple Bliss potato could become family favourite

The new ‘purple bliss’ potato (grown in Tasmania and bred in Idaho) could become a family favourite now that it has begun producing commercial quantities, and 20 tonnes are making their way to supermarket shelves.
Australian consumers still in love with potatoes
March 26, 2015

Australian consumers still in love with potatoes

Potatoes continue to be seen as an important staple for Australians according to the latest wave of the Potato Tracker project, with survey respondents indicating that they consume the commodity an average of 14 times per month.
AUSVEG questions benefits of generic potato marketing campaign
March 05, 2015

AUSVEG questions benefits of generic potato marketing campaign

AUSVEG remains wholly unconvinced of the benefits of a grower-funded generic potato marketing campaign despite claims from the Potato Marketing Corporation of Western Australia that the initiative has been a success in that state.
Potato consumption Western Australia grows
March 05, 2015

PMC: Potato consumption Western Australia grows

Potato growers in Western Australia have invested heavily in a potato marketing program aimed at stopping the decline in consumption per capita of fresh potatoes.
Mashed potatoes most often prepared potato dish in Australia
December 03, 2014

Mashed potatoes most often prepared potato dish in Australia

The weather might be warming up [well, in Australia that is, not here in Canada...PP] but that isn’t stopping Aussie consumers tucking in to a hearty serve of mashed potato, according to the latest wave of the industry-funded Potato Tracker project.
Australia: Taste and convenience emerge as key factors to increase spud consumption
October 11, 2014

Australia: Taste and convenience key factors to increase potato consumption

The first wave of results from the Australian industry-funded Potato Tracker project have been released, shedding encouraging new light on purchase triggers and consumption habits relating to fresh potatoes.
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Woolworth Market Research Potato
August 28, 2014

Market research to track consumer views of Australian potatoes

Australian potato growers are set to gain fresh insights into how consumers view their products as part of a new market research project that has started this month.


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