News on Potato Varieties and Seed from Europe

Agriculture company Vandamme opts for a quality boost with new cooling
April 15, 2021

Agriculture company Vandamme opts for a quality boost with new cooling

According to Vandamme, mechanical cooling is an excellent basis for long-term storage of potatoes without loss of quality. In addition, cooling, in combination with 1,4SIGHT, is a suitable alternative to chlorpropham as a sprout inhibitor.
Preparations for PotatoEurope 2021 trial fields in Lelystad have started
April 02, 2021

Preparations for PotatoEurope 2021 trial fields in Lelystad have started

The PotatoEurope organization has started preparing the potato trial fields at the event location near the central Dutch city of Lelystad.
Patatas Meléndez aprueba un plan para asegurar la 'igualdad real y efectiva' de sus trabajadoras
March 29, 2021

Patatas Meléndez aprueba un plan para asegurar la 'igualdad real y efectiva' de sus trabajadoras

Patatas Meléndez, la empresa vallisoletana líder en el sector de la patata fresca, pone en marcha el I Plan de Igualdad con el objetivo de alcanzar la equiparación real y efectiva entre hombres y mujeres en todos los niveles de la empresa.
Agrico's Next Generation potato varieties now available on its online platform
March 27, 2021

Agrico's Next Generation potato varieties now available on its online platform

Last November Agrico built an online news platform to support its buyers and growers with important knowledge and information. Agrico now also shares the latest insights and successes of its Next Generation potato varieties on this online platform
Fiebre por sembrar patatas en Salamanca
March 22, 2021

Fiebre por sembrar patatas en Salamanca

Los hermanos Mateos -Iván y Óscar- son dos de los muchos agricultores salmantinos que aprovechan ahora para sembrar patatas.
Consejos para plantar las cosechas de primavera
March 16, 2021

Consejos para plantar las cosechas de primavera

Explican en SatAgro que un tercio de los agricultores españoles aprovecha los meses previos a la primavera para realizar la siembre. Maíz o patata son los cultivos preferentes del mes de febrero, aunque también las gramíneas como el trigo, la avena, la cebada o el centeno.
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España: Princesa Amandine prevé duplicar este año su producción de patatas
March 08, 2021

España: Princesa Amandine prevé duplicar este año su producción de patatas

El crecimiento en la demanda de patatas para esta campaña y más concretamente de la variedad de Princesa Amandine augura un incremento importante de la comercialización prevista para 2021.
Potato Europe 2021 trade show theme resonates: 'What's Now, What's New and What's the Future'
March 01, 2021

Potato Europe 2021 theme resonates: 'What's Now, What's New and What's the Future'

With the event theme 'What's Now, What's New and What's the Future', PotatoEurope 2021 promises to provide insight into current developments in the potato industry as well as a look at the future of the sector.
New resistance genes against late blight were identified in a close relative of the potato, Solanum americanum
February 22, 2021

Late blight resistance genes identified in potato relative Solanum americanum

An international team of researchers has struck an important blow in the ongoing evolutionary arms race with the notorious potato disease late blight (Phytophthora infestans).
Innovation in German food retail trade: Europlant launches the Lower Carb Potato
February 17, 2021

Innovation in German food retail trade: Europlant launches the Lower Carb Potato

Potato is one of the most popular foods. For many consumers, however, it contains too many carbohydrates. Europlant adapts to the low-carb nutrition trend and is now offering two potato varieties with fewer carbohydrates.
Brexit: Seed potatoes at EU crossroads
February 08, 2021

Brexit: Seed potatoes at EU crossroads

AHDB Head of Export Trade Development for Potatoes, Patrick Hughes spoke of the importance of the EU market to seed potato growers and how he was hoping for a rapid resolution to the prohibition on UK exports to the Continent.
Potato growers working hard to restore EU market
February 01, 2021

Scottish Seed Potato growers working hard to restore EU market

The Scottish seed potato industry has harnessed willing buyers in Europe to support their efforts to get the European Commission to re-think its current ban on the importation of UK seed stocks – yet the chances of success remain 50/50.
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Brexit to revitalise Ireland’s seed potato sector
January 29, 2021

Brexit to revitalise Ireland’s seed potato sector

Ireland’s seed potato sector looks set to get a Brexit shot in the arm. This was one of the key messages delivered courtesy of the second Spring Tillage Webinar, hosted by Teagasc this week.
January 15, 2021

Beltza potato, developed by Neiker, reaches the market

It is a variety registered by Neiker to help the agricultural sector with innovative products to diversify and adapt to the demands of consumers.
Red potato pulp: an innovative ingredient for gluten-free bread
January 11, 2021

Red potato pulp: an innovative ingredient for gluten-free bread

Starch-based gluten-free bread (formulations containing a mixture of corn and potato starch with hydrocolloids) are deficient in nutrients and do not contain health promoting compounds.
Brexit: Scottish minister pledges to fight for seed potato exporters
January 04, 2021

Brexit: Scottish minister pledges to fight for seed potato exporters

The Scottish Government has said the seed potato industry is facing disaster through the Brexit deal. Exports of seed potatoes - a vital Scottish export - will not be part of a trade deal between the UK and EU
HZPC: From Seed potato to Seed: Optimizing the germination of TPS
January 04, 2021

From Seed potato to Seed: Optimizing the germination of TPS

This year HZPC expects to own the first prototype of a hybrid potato variety. These potatoes will be sown instead of planted, and that offers a perspective for the food security of areas that are hard to reach.
Smart Big Bags for seed potatoes keep track of temperature during transport
December 29, 2020

Smart Big Bags for seed potatoes keep track of temperature during transport

With the pilot, 'smart big bags' HZPC uses the internet of things to share knowledge and get a better grip on the delivery process of seed potatoes.


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