News on Potato Storage

October 16, 2011

Potato prices in Deesa (Gujarat) at 10 year low

The potato capital of Gujarat - Deesa is facing acute price crisis with cost of the vegetable dipping to the lowest in a decade. The potato growing farmers and wholesale merchants are crying hoarse over the excess supply of potato from Agra, which has ...
October 11, 2011

Aardappelen 90% gerooid

De aardappeloogst in Nederland is grotendeels achter de rug. Naar schatting is begin week 41 ca. 90% gerooid. Op de zwaardere grond zullen er nog een paar “verdwaalde” percelen en hoekjes moeten worden gerooid, op de lichtere (zand)grond zal is dat nog...
October 09, 2011

Bruising costs British potato growers £26 million a year

With dry weather exacerbating the risk of bruising potatoes at harvest, Potato Council has called on growers to take a proactive stance and make quality assessments at all stages of harvesting, from lifting to store loading.
October 08, 2011

Price fall renders Bangladesh potato growers helpless

Potato cultivators and traders in 8 districts of Rangpur division (Bangladesh) are in a dilemma as they are about to lose their investments despite a bumper production of their produce last season. In the hope of earning better profits, farmers and tr...
 Nora Olsen
September 29, 2011

Nora Olsen unearths potato mysteries

Because of the research she does on many different issues important to the potato industry, University of Idaho potato specialist Nora Olsen is a rising star. Her work on a new inhibitor that prevents potatoes from sprouting while in storage is the la...
September 26, 2011

Potato Storage Research Facility ceremoniously handed over to University Wisconsin

Today, the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA) has ceremoniously “handed over the keys” of the Potato and Vegetable Storage Research Facility (SRF) to the University of Wisconsin–Madison (UW). The ceremony gives the WPVGA a cha...
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Meer kans op schilbrand in consumptieaardappelen
September 21, 2011

Meer kans op schilbrand in consumptieaardappelen

Door het droge voorjaar is de knolzetting matig en de maatsortering dit jaar grof. Grote aardappelen beschadigen sneller tijdens het rooien, waardoor het risico op schilbrand groter is. Schilbrand wordt veroorzaakt door chloor-profam. Deze werkzame st...
September 13, 2011

India: Agra growers in distress as potato goes cheap

Farmers in India's potato-growing belt of Agra region, which accounts for more than 30 percent of the country's yield, are in peril as market prices continue to fall below the cost of cultivation. A bumper summer crop has not helped as they are under p...
 Inno Potato Award 2012
September 07, 2011

Startschot voor InnoPotato Award 2012 op Potato Europe

Na de succesvolle editie van 2010, wordt op Potato Europe te Kain het startschot gegeven voor de tweede InnoPotato Award. Met deze wedstrijd worden Belgische aardappeltelers beloond die innovatie binnen hun bedrijf hoog in het vaandel dragen. Innovat...
 Potato Europe 2011
September 07, 2011

Potato Europe 2011 underway

Today, the annual European potato event Potato Europe started in Tournai (Kain) in Belgium. This international event for potato professionals alternates between the countries Belgium, Germany, France and The Netherlands.
September 03, 2011

Manitoba Potato producers face challenges

Manitoba potato growers have had a tough go this season, but are pulling through. The threat of late blight and irrigation issues have taken their toll on potato growers, but the direct delivery season is getting underway. Some farmers were forced to...
August 31, 2011

Pest Pros to test STORECAST potato storage disease prediction system in Canada

A recent agreement between Pest Pros Inc and Soil Food Web Atlantic Canada will test the use of  STORECAST, “Storage Potato Disease Risk Indexing” in Prince Edward Island (PEI) Canada this storage season. Mr. Daryl Lingley of Soil Food Web Atlantic C...
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August 30, 2011

Friesland: aardappeloogst ligt stil door vele regenbuien

De oogst van aardappelen in Friesland heeft een forse achterstand opgelopen. Normaliter zijn de akkerbouwers in augustus druk bezig met het binnenhalen van het gewas. ,,Nu is nog maar 20 procent uit de grond”, zegt de Holwerder akkerbouwer en woordvo...
 focus on potato
August 23, 2011

Focus on Potato launches two new webcasts

Focus on Potato announces the launch of two new webcasts for practitioners in the potato industry, titled “Mid to Late Season Irrigation Management” and “Integrated Management of Storage Diseases.” View “Integrated Management of Storage Diseases” “I...
 Scottish Agricultural College (SAC)
August 16, 2011

Award Winning SAC Student Answers Questions on pit rot of Potatoes

SAC 1st Class Honours graduate, Amanda MacLennan, from the Black Isle used the recent Potatoes In Practice Event near Dundee to present the results of her research into Pit rot of potatoes.
August 01, 2011

Alargan la vida útil de las papas por incorporación de recubrimientos comestibles con antioxidantes

El centro tecnológico Ainia ha logrado alargar la vida útil hasta 13 días en manzanas de IV Gama y hasta 9 días en patatas de IV gama --productos listos para el consumo: cortados, preparados, lavados y envasados--, gracias al desarrollo tecnológico log...
July 20, 2011

El Congreso Mundial de la Papa apoya económicamente la participación de delegados provenientes de países en desarrollo

Allan Parker, presidente del Congreso Mundial de la Papa, a realizarse en Edimburgo, Escocia, entre el 27-30 mayo de 2012, anunció hoy la intención de apoyar económicamente hasta cuatro delegados al evento. La organización proveerá 1,000.00 dólares ca...
 World Potato Congress 2012
July 20, 2011

World Potato Congress offers support to Delegates from Developing Countries

Delegates to the 8th World Potato Congress, from developing and transitional countries, may qualify for financial support from World Potato Congress Inc. (WPC Inc). Allan Parker, President of WPC Inc, said today he is extremely pleased to announce WP...


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