News on Potato Stats, Trade, Prices

Gujarat farmers benefit as potato output in other states dips
April 12, 2016

Gujarat farmers benefit as potato output in other states dips

Potato farmers in Gujarat are a happy lot this year, as they are getting better prices for their produce despite 15% increase in potato production.
Argentina: 'Exports bring relief, but they are not a permanent solution'
April 08, 2016

Argentina: 'Exports bring relief, but they are not a permanent solution'

The low price of potatoes in the domestic market in Argentina has resulted in a good start for the export of Argentinian potatoes, with a significant increase in demand, mainly from Latin American countries like Brazil and Paraguay.
Colombian farmers association Fedepapa rejects the import of potatoes for the processing industry
March 23, 2016

Colombian farmers association Fedepapa rejects the import of potatoes for the processing industry

Fedepapa, the Federation of potato producers in Colombia rejected the repeated requests that the processing industry has made to import fresh potatoes because, according to Fedepapa, Colombia has enough supply.
Opening Potato Processing plant adds value for farmers in Rwanda
March 11, 2016

New Potato Processing plant adds value for farmers in Rwanda

In Rwanda a new potato processing plant was opened, with the capacity to produce four potato products; chips, french fries, whole peeled potato, and whole cleaned potatoes for sale to super markets and schools.
HZPC stelt prognoseprijs vast op € 29,50
March 10, 2016

HZPC stelt prognoseprijs vast op € 29,50

HZPC Holland bv, wereldleider in aardappelveredeling, heeft de prognoseprijs over Oogst 2015 vastgesteld en verwacht zijn pootgoedtelers in Nederland € 29,50 per 100 kilo te betalen.
Australian potatoes temporarily back on the menu in drought-stricken Papua New Guinea
February 15, 2016

Australian potatoes temporarily back on the menu in drought-stricken Papua New Guinea

Australian vegetable grower body AUSVEG has applauded the decision of the Papua New Guinean Government to temporarily lift the ban on the import of selected Australian fruits and vegetables - including potatoes - for three months.
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Cuban Potato crops troubled by rains
February 10, 2016

Cuban Potato crops troubled by rains

The rainfall in November, December, and January in the western and central parts of Cuba made it impossible for Cuban farmers to achieve a crop yield similar to the one they got last year, when they harvested 120,000 tons of potatoes.
Drought in South Africa pushes potato prices to the highest level ever
February 07, 2016

Drought in South Africa pushes potato prices to the highest level ever

Drought and hot conditions since September 2015 have a negative impact on yields in almost all the potato production regions in South Africa. Currently market prices are at the highest levels ever, while potato stock levels are at record low levels.
Potato Prices in Jordan expected to rise after frost
February 03, 2016

Potato Prices in Jordan expected to rise after frost

The price of potatoes in Jordan is expected to increase as a significant acreage of the field crop was damaged when temperatures dipped below zero last week.
Costa Rica Announces Intention to Reopen Chipping Potato Market to US Chip Stock
January 26, 2016

Costa Rica Announces Intention to Reopen Chipping Potato Market to US Chip Stock

Costa Rica's Servicio Fitosanitario del Estado (SFE) has informed USDA's Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) that it will begin issuing import permits for US chipping potatoes beginning February 1, 2016.
Massive potato crop in Pakistan may bring in record foreign exchange
January 17, 2016

Massive potato crop in Pakistan may bring in record foreign exchange

Pakistan is expected to have a bumper potato crop this season, which can fetch a record foreign exchange, said an official of Ministry of National Food Security and Research (NFSR).
GB Potatoes at Fruit Logistica 2016
January 17, 2016

GB Potatoes at Fruit Logistica 2016

Over three days in February 2016 at Berlin’s Messe, the worldwide fresh produce industry will be able to meet leading potato and horticulture organisations on the large Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) stand.
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Pakistan: No duty on potato export and no plans to import potatoes
January 06, 2016

Pakistan: No duty on potato export and no plans to import potatoes

As farmers in Pakistan are getting ready for the harvest, false rumors are spread that the Pakistani government has imposed duty on the export of potatoes.
Potato cooperative Agrico presents financial results to its members
December 22, 2015

Potato cooperative Agrico presents financial results to its members

Potato Cooperative Agrico held its central members’ meeting last week. At this meeting the 2014/2015 annual report was discussed.
Jamaica to test 15 new (Irish) potato varieties
December 13, 2015

Jamaica to test 15 new (Irish) potato varieties

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Jamaica is to conduct research trials on 15 new varieties of imported Irish potato over the next three months, to determine their suitability for local conditions.
Improving potato quality results in export opportunities for Nedato.
December 10, 2015

Improving potato quality results in export opportunities for Nedato.

Dutch Potato Packer Nedato reports that its long term plan to improve potato quality pays off.
4000 ton of Lebanese potatoes destined for export stuck in transport halfway
November 09, 2015

4000 ton of Lebanese potatoes destined for export stuck in transport halfway

128 containers with around 4.000 tonnes of potatoes from Lebanon destined for Arab Gulf states have been stopped in Port Said, Egypt or have already been returned to Lebanon.
US Potato growers support TPP agreement
November 05, 2015

US Potato growers support TPP agreement

Based on a review of the recently released Trans-Pacific Partnership
(TPP) agreement text, the National Potato Council (NPC) strongly supports the trade deal reached with
Australia, Brunei, Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore
and Vietnam.


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