News on Potato Stats, Trade, Prices

National Potato Council letter to Vilsack/Tai: Maintain a ‘trust but verify’ stance with Mexico
July 01, 2021

National Potato Council letter to Vilsack/Tai: Maintain a ‘trust but verify’ stance with Mexico

You may have read last week that Mexican Agriculture Secretary Víctor Villalobos Arámbula is expected to travel to Washington, D.C. in early August to meet with his American counterpart, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack.
UPGC Canadian Potato Crop Update June 23, 2021
June 29, 2021

Progress Potato Crop Canada: Update June 23, 2021

The potato crop in Canada is in varying stages - from emergence to touching between rows. Potato growers everywhere are optimistic for the good growing conditions needed to move this crop in its early life stages.
Zimbabwe: Matabeleland South Potato Producer Laments Lockdown Induced Losses
June 24, 2021

Zimbabwe: Matabeleland South Potato Producer Laments Lockdown Induced Losses

The prolonged Covid-19 lockdown has brought more harm to potato production that any other crop being produced in Zimbabwe at the Agricultural Rural Development Authority (ARDA) Trek Antelope Estate in Maphisa, Matabeleland South.
Kenya: Potato imports by fast-food firms to attract 30pc duty.
June 21, 2021

Kenya: Potato imports by fast-food firms to attract 30pc duty

Major fast-food joints rely on imports from as far as Egypt and South Africa for the potatoes they use for French fries.
Potato of Bologna PDO.
June 17, 2021

Italy: High temperatures and continuous irrigation for the Potato of Bologna PDO

This year the cultivation area of the Bologna PDO grew by 17 percent, from 419 to 489 hectares, also thanks to the good prices obtained in the last two years.
EE.UU., Europa y Bolivia son los principales destinos de la patata peruana.
June 15, 2021

EE.UU., Europa y Bolivia son los principales destinos de la patata peruana

Estados Unidos, Europa y Bolivia son los principales destinos de las exportaciones de patata peruana, que este año se espera que alcancen las 18.000 toneladas, a pesar del impacto de la pandemia de la covid-19.
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Big demand for import potatoes in the Netherlands.
June 13, 2021

Big demand for import potatoes in the Netherlands

It's a good season for import potatoes in the Netherlands. More people are cooking at home. That's undoubtedly contributing to this, as are the 'old' potatoes deteriorating quality.
El alto coste del cultivo y los bajos e inestables precios apenas dejan 770 hectáreas.
June 04, 2021

La superficie dedicada al cultivo de patata en Córdoba, España, pierde una quinta parte en veinte años

A lo largo de las próximas semanas comenzará la campaña de recogida de la patata, un cultivo que ha ido perdiendo peso en los últimos años en la provincia de Córdoba tanto en términos de superficie como de cosecha.
México (Chihuahua): Reportan pérdidas de casi la totalidad de los cultivos de la región sur.
May 31, 2021

México (Chihuahua): Reportan pérdidas de casi la totalidad de los cultivos de la región sur

La Sader reporta pérdidas de hasta el 90 por ciento en cultivos de maíz, frijol, papa, y sorgo forrajero, en los municipios de Guachochi , Balleza, Guadalupe y Calvo. Hay afectaciones en casi 22 mil productores de los cuales se tiene registro que el 80 porciento son indígenas.
United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC): Planting Update May 27, 2021
May 28, 2021

UPGC: Potato Planting Update Canada, May 27, 2021

The United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) provide an update on the potato planting in Canada (May 27, 2021). Seeding in Western Canada is winding up, while growers in the Atlantic region are in full planting mode.
May 26, 2021

Reconnecting the potato chain: Interpom 2021 is a go!

We can now confirm that INTERPOM will go ahead! From 28 to 30 November 2021, the global potato sector will be able to gather in Kortrijk Xpo, as it used to do in the past.
Peruvian potato cultivation stands for 34 million daily wages for producers
May 24, 2021

Peruvian potato cultivation stands for 34 million daily wages for producers

Potato cultivation has become an important driver of Peru’s regional and local economy in the producing areas.
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Tecnología de última generación para el cultivo de patata en España.
May 19, 2021

Tecnología de última generación para el cultivo de patata en España

Con la maquinaria adecuada y las nuevas aplicaciones se puede cultivar este tubérculo ahorrando simiente y fitosanitarios mientras se aumentan los rendimientos. Eso lo sabe bien Nicolás Serna. Tiene 74 años y lleva toda su vida sembrando patatas.
U.S. Potato Imports Continue to Increase.
May 19, 2021

United States Potato Imports Continue to Increase; More frozen potato products imported from Europe

Strong demand for potatoes and potato products and tight domestic supplies continues to drive increases in imports for the current (July – June) marketing year. For July 2020 – March 2021 total imports are up 9 percent, led by an 18% increase in chips and a 15 percent increase in dehydrated potatoes.
Romanian farmers propose National Strategic Potato Plan to save the sector
May 18, 2021

Romanian farmers propose National Strategic Potato Plan to save the sector

The Romanian Farmers Club and the Romanian National Potato Federation propose to the authorities the implementation of a National Strategic Potato Plan, to save an economic sector in great difficulty and harmonize the trade balance.
Threefold drop in Estonian potato cultivation in past decade
May 17, 2021

Threefold drop in Estonian potato cultivation in past decade

Potato growing in Estonia has seen a three-fold decline in the past decade, ETV news show "Aktuaalne kaamera" (AK) reported Tuesday. Farmers are blaming the unprofitability of growing the tuber – which only makes money one year out of every three, they say.
UPGC: Planting Intentions 2021 Canadian Potato Crop
May 13, 2021

UPGC: Planting Intentions 2021 Canadian Potato Crop

Potato acreage in Canada will not be officially reported until early July, so it is often helpful to take an early look at industry projections across the country. The analysis is more difficult this year as demand for potato products returns to pre-COVID levels.
Iran's annual export of potato rises 83%
May 13, 2021

Iran almost doubled its annual potato export

Hossein Asghari announced that 950,000 tons of potato has been exported in the past year, while the figure was 518,000 tons in its preceding year.


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