News on Potato Starch from the Netherlands

February 24, 2022

Dutch Potato starch cooperative Royal Avebe starts buying green energy from its own members

David Fousert, CEO of Royal Avebe, and Avebe member Erik Emmens from Zeijen sign the contract for the purchase of Guarantees of Origin (GoOs). With these GoOs, Avebe obtains certificates that further green Avebe's electricity consumption.
Royal Avebe increases its Solanic potato protein production to keep up with market demand
November 30, 2021

Royal Avebe increases its Solanic potato protein production to keep up with market demand

Royal Avebe, a Dutch cooperative of starch potato growers whose potatoes are processed into high-quality food ingredients, invests EUR 66 million, mostly linked to the expansion of its Solanic potato protein production capacity.
Starch cooperative Royal Avebe performance price drops to EUR 93.30
November 23, 2021

Royal Avebe performance price drops to EUR 93.30

The growing acreage of starch potatoes, especially outside the Netherlands, led to pressure on prices for native starch this year. Rising costs due to the corona crisis also depressed the performance price.
Potato campaign starch manufacturer Royal Avebe has started
August 19, 2021

Potato campaign starch manufacturer Royal Avebe has started

Royal Avebe's potato campaign in the Netherlands has started. The first starch potatoes were delivered to the production location in Gasselternijveen.
Research: Resilience and innovation in the agricultural sector in Europe
June 22, 2021

Research: Resilience and innovation in the agricultural sector in Europe

Wageningen University & Research has conducted research into the resilience of the agricultural sector. How do farmers keep in step with their environment? Examples include the changing weather conditions, climate change and government policy.
How sustainable are the potato growers of Royal Avebe? FSA awards Gold status...
June 05, 2021

How sustainable are the potato growers of Royal Avebe? FSA awards Gold status...

The potato growers of Royal Avebe participating in the Optimeel growing programme have been awarded Gold status according to the FSA 2.1 standard of the global platform SAI for sustainable agriculture.
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Dutch starch producer Royal Avebe pleased with potato campaign as it comes to an end
May 19, 2021

Dutch starch producer Royal Avebe pleased with potato campaign as it comes to an end

Last weekend Royal Avebe processed the last potatoes of the 2020/2021 campaign at the production site in Gasselternijveen. The campaign went according to plan and Avebe is satisfied with the quantity and quality of starch potatoes delivered.
David Fousert new CEO of Royal Avebe
May 18, 2021

David Fousert new CEO of Potato Starch Coop Royal Avebe

Today, the Supervisory Board of Royal Avebe announced that David Fousert will be appointed as the new chairman of the Board and CEO as of 1 September. He succeeds Bert Jansen who is leaving the cooperative after 13 years. Currently, Fousert is COO of ForFarmers.
Royal Avebe and Solynta join forces: hybrid breeding in starch potato production
April 15, 2021

Royal Avebe and Solynta to joinly work on hybrid breeding of potatoes for starch production

Averis Seeds B.V., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Royal Avebe, will be working together with the hybrid potato breeding company Solynta on the hybrid breeding of starch potato varieties.
DUCAM project (Wafilin and Avebe) wins Water Innovator of the Year award 2021
February 15, 2021

Avebe wins Water Innovation Award for its project 'Sustainable Concentration of Potato Juice with Membranes'

The winner of the 'Water Innovator of the Year' award was announced during the online conference Water Vision 2021. The three ideas selected were Mid Mix, Mezt and the DUCAM project (Avebe and Wafilin: Sustainable Concentration of Potato Juice with Membranes). The winning finalist: Avebe and Wafilin's DUCAM project
Starch Manufacturer Avebe Potato Receiving
January 12, 2021

Potato Starch Manufacturer Avebe says annual campaign is halfway

Dutch Potato Starch manufacturer Avebe announces 60% of the annual campaign has been completed
Royal Avebe changes its formal name to ‘Coöperatie Koninklijke Avebe U.A.’
December 15, 2020

Royal Avebe changes its formal name to ‘Coöperatie Koninklijke Avebe U.A.’

In honour of Avebe’s centenary in 2019, His Majesty King Willem-Alexander granted the company the Royal Warrant.
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Royal Avebe publishes its integrated annual report 2019/2020
December 10, 2020

Royal Avebe publishes its integrated annual report 2019/2020

Dutch Potato Starch cooperative Royal Avebe today publishes its integrated annual report 2019/2020.
Royal Avebe wins first DACT Treasury Award
December 04, 2020

Potato Starch manufacturer Royal Avebe wins first DACT Treasury Award

After an exciting battle, the winner of the DACT Treasury Award 2020 has been announced. Avebe received the most votes from the members of the Dutch Association of Corporate Treasurers (DACT).
December 01, 2020

Potato Starch cooperative Avebe increases performance price to 96.15 euros

In financial year 2019/2020 Dutch Potato Starch Producer Royal Avebe achieved a performance price of 96.15 euros. This is a fraction below the record result - 96.63 euros - of the previous financial year.
Potato receiving at Avebe Ter Apelkanaal
August 17, 2020

Potato Starch manufacturer Avebe has started campaign 2020

Today Avebe's potato campaign starts in the Netherlands. Following an unstable growing season, the first potatoes are being delivered to the Gasselternijveen location.
Avebe today announced the final campaign price of 76.50 euros per ton of potatoes to its members.
July 15, 2020

Starch Manufacturer Avebe will pay its members 76.50 euros per ton of potatoes

Dutch Potato Starch Manufacturer Avebe recently announced the final campaign price of 76.50 euros per ton of potatoes to its members.
Cosun potato processing subsidiary Aviko posts highest operating profit ever
February 13, 2020

Cosun potato processing subsidiary Aviko posts highest operating profit ever

Cosun booked a considerably better group result in 2019 than in 2018. Cosun's potato processing subsidiary Aviko contributed strongly to this result as the manufacturer of fries and potato products achieved its highest operating profit ever


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