News on Potato Defects and Diseases from Asia

Across China: Hi-tech Potato Industry Boosts Poverty Alleviation
August 19, 2020

Across China: Hi-tech Potato Industry Boosts Poverty Alleviation

The potato industry in Ulanqab, dubbed the 'potato city' of China, has become one of the main industries to help farmers shake off poverty.
West-Bengal potato farmers make a killing as weather turns bad
March 13, 2020

West-Bengal potato farmers make a killing as weather turns bad

As weather in West-Bengal, India turns unfavourable, output falls sharply and potato prices shoot up.
World Potato Congress Webinar: Dr. Leah Tsror on Powdery Scab - Integrated Disease Management for Reducing the Risk
February 24, 2020

World Potato Congress Webinar: Dr. Leah Tsror on Powdery Scab - Integrated Disease Management for Reducing the Risk

The World Potato Congress is extremely pleased to be offering its third webinar in 2020 featuring Dr. Leah Tsror.
The 'Potato of the Future' Climate - Smarter and Healthier
July 08, 2019

The 'Potato of the Future' Climate - Smarter and Healthier

The potato of the future will be more drought tolerant and disease resistant, more environmentally sustainable and climate smart, and meet the needs of producers and consumers.
Potato Farmers Bangladesh suffer as a result of the huge surplus this year
May 31, 2019

Potato Farmers in Bangladesh suffer as a result of the huge surplus this year

This year, the potato harvest in Bangladesh was about 150% of what the domestic need is. As a result prices have crashed and despite the high yields, farmers suffer as the can not sell their product.
World Potato Congress participates at the Potato Conference in Zhaotang, China
November 01, 2018

World Potato Congress participates at the Potato Conference in Zhaotang, China

The Potato Conference in Zhaotong, China was held earlier this week on October 28 and 29, 2018. The World Potato Congress delegation made a significant contribution.
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Indian government limits movement of seed potatoes to contain Potato Cyst Nematodes
October 29, 2018

Indian government limits movement of seed potatoes to contain Potato Cyst Nematodes

In an effort to limit the spread of the Potato Cyst Nematode, the government of India has prohibited the movement of seed potatoes from Himachal, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand and Jammu Kashmir to other states
Dutch experts help Indonesia deal with potato pests
May 12, 2018

Dutch experts help Indonesia deal with potato pests

Potato cultivation in the highlands of Indonesia is plagued by a number of pests, including Potato Cyst Nematodes and Phytophthora infestans. Dutch experts help their Indonesian counterparts to find the right approach for control.
Georgia bans the import of potato from Turkey citing potato wart risks
March 22, 2018

Georgia bans the import of potato from Turkey citing potato wart risks

Georgia’s Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture stated that they have banned potato imports from Turkey until July, 2018 to eliminate the spread of 'potato cancer' on Georgian territory.
Farmers: Ammonia gas leak from cold storage destroys potato crop in 4 villages
January 03, 2018

Farmers: Ammonia gas leak from cold storage destroys potato crop in 4 villages

An ammonia gas leak from a cold storage plant near Agra (UP, India) has caused damage to potato crops across four nearby villages, affecting some 500 farmers in the area.
10,000 tonnes of potatoes blocked from entry into Jordan
October 25, 2017

10,000 tonnes of potatoes blocked from entry into Jordan

The Jordan Ministry of Agriculture on Sunday said that a shipment at the Aqaba Port, Jordan, carrying 10,000 tonnes of potatoes allegedly infested with potato cyst nematodes, will not be allowed into the country.
New potato variety in India, Kufri Lima, to take on the heat...
October 16, 2017

New potato variety in India, Kufri Lima, to take on the heat...

Farmers in India can expect higher yields and profits with the release of a new potato variety, Kufri Lima, developed by the International Potato Center (CIP) and the Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI)
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New potato varieties available for farmers in Cordillera, Phillipines
August 24, 2017

New potato varieties available for farmers in Cordillera, Phillipines

Two leading research institutions have partnered to help increase potato production in the Philippines, in order to meet the increasing demand for the crop
Potato Growers in Hassan losing hope of good returns as lack of rain results in poor germination
July 02, 2017

Potato Growers in Hassan losing hope of good returns as lack of rain results in poor germination

Within 30 days into potato cultivation this year, growers in Hassan, Karnataka are losing hope of good returns in their field. The poor germination is linked by experts to the lack of rainfall.
Late blight resistant potato variety Sarpo Mira gaining popularity in Bangladesh
February 15, 2017

Late blight resistant potato variety Sarpo Mira gaining popularity in Bangladesh

The potato variety Sarpo Mira, highly resistant to late blight, is getting popular among farmers in the main potato-growing areas of Bangladesh, according to both farmers and officials.
To boost potato export, India considers establishment of 'pest-free zones'
July 05, 2016

To boost potato export, India considers establishment of 'pest-free zones'

Aiming to boost potato exports, the Indian government is considering identifying ‘pest-free zones’ for the staple in production clusters of the growing states like Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.
Delayed monsoon trouble for potato growers in Hassan, Karnataka
June 18, 2016

Delayed monsoon spells trouble for potato growers in Hassan, Karnataka

Lack of rain has left potato growers of Hassan - a district in the Southern Indian state of Karnataka in distress.
Salim Group signs R&D agreement with Dutch JV to boost Potato Production in Indonesia
April 24, 2016

Salim Group signs R&D agreement with Dutch JV to boost Potato Production in Indonesia

The Salim Group, one of Indonesia's largest business groups, signed a R&D agreement worth $10 million with seed producer East West Seed Indonesia in The Hague last Friday to boost potato production in Indonesia.


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