News on Potato Defects and Diseases from the Americas

SENASA: ‘Zebra chip’, plaga de la papa, no está presente en el Perú.
January 12, 2022

SENASA: ‘Zebra chip’, plaga de la papa, no está presente en el Perú

El Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria (SENASA) descartó la presencia de la plaga ‘Zebra Chip’ en el Perú, luego de haber analizado 169 muestras de plantas e insectos procedentes de zonas productoras de papa, en la provincia de Huancabamba, región Piura.
New Federal Ministerial Coordinating Committee on PEI Potatoes brings whole-of-government approach to help farmers affected by U.S. trade disruption
January 11, 2022

Government Canada establishes committee to restore market access for PEI fresh potatoes to the United States

The Government of Canada is committed to restoring market access for PEI fresh potatoes to the United States and supporting PEI farmers impacted by trade disruptions.
P.E.I. potato ban to U.S. expected to last into new year.
December 18, 2021

Prince Edward Island potato ban to United States expected to last into new year

P.E.I.'s agriculture minister says he is still hopeful potatoes in limbo won't have to be destroyed, but indications suggest restrictions on Island spuds will last into the new year.
Renaissance BioScience Corp. receives additional R and D funding for its yeast-based RNA technology.
December 03, 2021

Additional funding for Renaissance BioScience Corp's yeast-based RNA technology

Renaissance BioScience Corp., a leading global bioengineering company, announced today that it is receiving advisory services and additional funding of up to CAD 200,000 from the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP).
Prince Edward Island farmers losing money day by day in potato export crisis.
December 03, 2021

P.E.I. farmers losing money day by day in potato export crisis

After 20 years of successful management, potato wart has closed the U.S. border again. P.E.I. farmers are five days into a suspension of trade for their potatoes into the U.S. market.
PEI based Salad Company, Johnston’s Encourages Canadians to Support Local PEI Potato Farmers in Response to Recent Export Ban
December 01, 2021

PEI based Salad Company Encourages Canadians to Support PEI Potato Farmers in Response to US Export Ban

With its roots firmly planted on PEI soil for over 74 years, Johnston’s Homestyle proudly supports local farmers while they face challenges during supply chain restrictions.
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Government-Industry potato working group assembles to help affected farmers in Prince Edward Island
November 27, 2021

Government-Industry potato working group assembles to help affected farmers in Prince Edward Island

The Government of Canada is working with the Province of Prince Edward Island (PEI) and industry to support PEI farmers following the recent suspension of certification of fresh potatoes from PEI to the United States.
Prince Edward Island Potato Board Response to Suspension of Exports to USA
November 23, 2021

Prince Edward Island Potato Board 'shocked' by CFIA decision to suspend its Potato Exports to the US

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board is shocked by the decision by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) to suspend the certification of exports of all potatoes from Prince Edward Island to the United States of America.
Tubers affected by potato wart (Synchytrium endobioticum)
November 22, 2021

CFIA announces measures to prevent spread of potato wart from PEI

Today, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) announced measures to prevent the spread of potato wart from Prince Edward Island (PEI). Potato wart is a plant disease that poses no threat to human health or food safety, but is known to decrease potato yield.
New seed potato lab will benefit Idaho's spud industry
November 16, 2021

University of Idaho new seed potato lab to open this year.

The University of Idaho is close to opening a new Seed Potato Germplasm Laboratory, which is the place where most Idaho potatoes are 'born'.
Potato wart poses no risk to humans or food safety, but it can be a serious disease for the infected potatoes, which become disfigured and unmarketable. (CFIA )
November 07, 2021

Prince Edward Island Seed Potato Export to the United States halted - again - due to Potato Wart

CBC reports that the US border has again closed to Prince Edward Island seed potatoes after potato wart was found in two P.E.I. fields.
 Seminario virtual capacitará en la identificación de tres plagas de la papa.
October 29, 2021

Seminario virtual organizado por el Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) capacitará en la identificación de tres plagas de la papa

Con el fin de que los países latinoamericanos a los cuales aún no han llegado el psílido de la papa ni la papa manchada de la papa y la punta morada conozcan sus síntomas y cómo identificarlas será dirigido este seminario.
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Environmental health and biodiversity
October 27, 2021

International Potato Center: Environmental Health and Biodiversity

The unpredictable impacts of natural disasters, environmental threats and a changing climate threaten global food security. The CIP genebank drives efforts to conserve the world’s genetic diversity of potato and sweet potato for future use.
ICA de Colombia advierte sobre presencia de enfermedad en cultivos de papa.
October 18, 2021

ICA de Colombia advierte sobre presencia de enfermedad en cultivos de papa en el departamento de Nariño

El Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA) confirmó la presencia de fitoplasmas asociados a la enfermedad de Punta Morada de la Papa (PMP) en cultivos de papa en Nariño.
CIP technicians harvest Matilde potatoes
October 14, 2021

The Future of Food is Wild: The story behind the CIP-Matilde potato variety

Climate change is making it harder for farmers to grow enough food to feed their families. A new potato variety called CIP-Matilde, developed by the International Potato Center (CIP) with support from the Crop Trust.
September 30, 2021

Breeding beetle-resistant potatoes

In a new study, published in Crop Science, researchers describe genetic tools to develop potato varieties with improved natural resistance to the Colorado potato beetle
RevolutionaryRNA-based biopesticide technology delivers 98% mortality of Colorado potato beetle in independent test
September 30, 2021

Revolutionary RNA-based biopesticide technology delivers 98% mortality of Colorado potato beetle in independent test

Renaissance BioScience Corp., a leading global bioengineering company, is pleased to announce that an independent test of its environmentally safe, RNA-based biopesticide technology was conducted on Colorado potato beetle
Aroostook County potato experts expect high quality crop in 2021
September 14, 2021

Aroostook County potato experts expect high quality crop in 2021

Aroostook County agricultural growers are predicting a higher quantity and quality of potato crop than was produced in 2020, due to the less severe weather this summer.


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