News on Potato Cultivation

Potato processing factory to be built at Ol Kalou
May 10, 2019

Potato processing factory to be built at Ol Kalou, Kenya

A potato and vegetable processing plant will be built soon in Ol Kalou town. The factory, a collaboration of the Department of Correctional Services and Nyandarua county government, will mitigate post-harvest losses ...
Not surprisingly, potatoes from Hungary are running out. (Courtesy: Infostart)
May 10, 2019

Hungarian stores have run out of domestic potatoes

Hungary hasn't been self-sufficient in the potato market for a long time, but the price of potatoes in February was still extraordinary.
Celfia Obregón Ramírez, directora del Centro de Innovación Tecnológica de la Papa y otros Cultivos Andinos [CITE Papa]. (Cortesía: Agraria Pe)
May 08, 2019

Perú: El Día Nacional de la Papa ha rescatado las variedades nativas

El Día Nacional de la Papa (que se celebra el 30 de mayo y se instauró a partir de 2005) ha servido para rescatar a nuestras papas nativas de la extinción, destacó la directora ejecutiva del CITE Papa, Celfia Obregón Ramírez.
Director General de Patatas Meléndez, Francisco Javier Meléndez (Cortesía: Agronews Castilla y León)
May 08, 2019

'Nos estamos encontrando con mercados desabastecidos de patata al inicio de campaña'

El director general de Patatas Meléndez, Francisco Javier Meléndez, habla de cómo se plantea el año para uno de los sectores tradicionalmente más 'agitado' de la agricultura española.
Ocurrió en la pequeña localidad del partido de Benito Juárez. La papa gigante fue más sorpendente por su tamaño que por su peso, ya que gran parte del ejemplar era hueco. (Cortesía: Todo Provincial)
May 08, 2019

Productores de Barker cosecharon una papa gigante: mira las sorprendentes imágenes

Las imágenes son sorprendentes. La súper papa tiene el tamaño de una bolsa de 20 kilos. Sin embargo, su peso fue de 3,8 kilos ya que gran parte de este ejemplar era totalmente hueco.
The potato late blight pathogen. (Courtesy: Jens Gronbech Hasen / EuroBlight)
May 07, 2019

Potato Blight Trends in Europe: EuroBlight 2018 Results

EuroBlight is continuously examining the ongoing evolution of the European population of the potato late blight pathogen and now reports on the 2018 results. Approximately 1000 samples were genotyped from 22 countries.
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Climate extremes impact on global crop yield variations. (Courtesy: Alvin Stone / Climate Extremes)
May 06, 2019

Climate extremes explain 18%-43% of global crop yield variations

Researchers from Australia, Germany, Switzerland and the US have quantified the effect of climate extremes, such as droughts or heatwaves, on the yield variability of staple crops around the world.
NC State grew the North Carolina sweet potato industry into a global powerhouse.(Courtesy: Bill Krueger / NC State University)
May 06, 2019

Can Sweet Potatoes Save the World?

NC State grew the North Carolina sweet potato industry into a global powerhouse. Now we're leading the effort to breed sweet potatoes that could provide economic opportunities and better nutrition for people in African countries. (Courtesy: Bill Krueger)
Bolivia tiene 33 variedades de papa, pero baja capacidad de producción.
May 02, 2019

Bolivia: Fuerte caída de la producción da papa nativa

La demanda interna del mercado bordea los 5 millones de toneladas, pero sólo se produce 1.1 millón de t, el resto ingresa por la vía de contrabando e importación.
Papas de la variedad Kawsay se vendieron en supermercados por primera vez este año.
May 02, 2019

Kawsay, una papa para mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y los ingresos de los agricultores peruanos

Papas de la nueva variedad Kawsay se vendieron en supermercados por primera vez este año. Kawsay tiene el potencial de mejorar los ingresos y la seguridad alimentaria de las comunidades, además es de alto rendimiento y gran resistencia al tizón tardío.
Dr. Chad Hutchinson Director of Research at TriEst Ag Group, Inc. Exposition in Potato Expo 2018 (Courtesy: Plant Management Network)
April 30, 2019

Chloropicrin Soil Fumigation in Potato Production Systems

In his presentation at the the 2018 Potato Expo, Dr. Chad Hutchinson discusses the benefits of using Chloropicrin in potato production. Chloropicrin increases production efficiency, profit potential for potato growers, and it also improves soil health.
Producers were reporting storage concerns this winter as they struggled with frost-damaged potatoes and extreme cold.
April 29, 2019

Expanding potato sector in Manitoba not stressing on seed, despite tight supplies

Manitoba’s potato sector is gearing up to supply an expanding industry but seed supplies will be tight after a tough harvest last season. A number of producers are planning capital upgrades to keep up with the rise in demand.
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Allan Potato Equipment Manufacturing orders seven Scotts Evolution cleaners
April 26, 2019

Allan Potato Equipment Manufacturing orders seven Scotts Evolution cleaners

UK vegetable harvesting and handling equipment manufacturer, Scotts Precision Manufacturing, is celebrating after receiving its biggest ever order from Canada.
Will A Slow Start For Pacific North-west Potato Farmers lead to a French Fry shortage?
April 25, 2019

Will A Slow Start For Pacific North-west Potato Farmers lead to a French Fry shortage?

Spring is just now beginning to shine in much of eastern Oregon and Washington. A winter of record snowfall left the ground frozen or flooded much later than normal. As a result, farmers are getting a late start on their crops.
Dry weather drives smart irrigation in the United Kingdom
April 25, 2019

Dry weather drives smart irrigation in the United Kingdom

The Environment Agency in the UK has already declared irrigation prospects ‘moderate to poor’ in the East of England – in Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex. AHDB offers suggestions to place farmers in a stronger position this summer.
Potato crops left to rot in Western Australia amid flooded market and low prices
April 24, 2019

Potato crops left to rot in Western Australia amid flooded market and low prices

Potato growers near Pemberton in Western Australia have been forced to leave more than a thousand tonnes of potatoes on the ground to rot because of oversupply and crippling low prices.
Potato acreage in North-western Europe to grow between 1 and 2 percent, NEPG estimates
April 24, 2019

Potato acreage in North-western Europe to grow between 1 and 2 percent, NEPG estimates

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) have estimated that the upcoming area for
consumption potatoes in 2019 will increase between 1 and 2 % towards almost 604.000 ha in the 5
main production countries.
UK needs major overhaul of investments in weed management
April 11, 2019

UK needs major overhaul of investments in weed management

The UK’s approach to weed management investment needs to be overhauled, if the needs of industry are to be met. That was the conclusion of the first ever major cross-sector review of weed management, commissioned by AHDB and BBRO.


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